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Vocabulary - 17.10.2015

Bankers Guru

1. VISTA (NOUN): view

Synonyms: glimpse, perspective

Antonyms: blindness

Example Sentence:

However, a cold beer nestled in your backpack is the perfect treat when you finally make it to that vista or waterfall.


Synonyms: adhesive, clammy Antonyms: loose, separated

Example Sentence:

He only allowed a spare diet of mucilaginous and acid drinks.

3. RECONNOITER (VERB): inspect

Synonyms: examine, inquire Antonyms: ignore, overlook

Example Sentence:

A gallant cavalry officer with a few men lingered behind to reconnoiter until the rebels were within hailing distance of him.

4. STALL (VERB): delay for own purposes

Synonyms: hinder, postpone Antonyms: continue, forward 

Example Sentence:

Republicans are likely to go to the mat to stall these picks, and Reid has now laid out a red line of his own.

5. ANATOMICAL (VERB): bodily, physical

Synonyms: gross, material Antonyms: partial, cerebral

Example Sentence:

Even if we take no formal steps, spiritual or anatomical, some rule of life we must achieve for ourselves.

6. LARCENY (NOUN): theft

Synonyms: robbery, crime Antonyms: lot

Example Sentence:

The father and mother looked as if they had been convicted of larceny.

7. ABNEGATION (NOUN): denial, renouncement of something

Synonyms: abstinence, refusal Antonyms: allowance, approval

Example Sentence: 

Erudite is trying to wrestle control of the government away from abnegation via nefarious schemes.

8. PALAVER (NOUN): empty talk

Synonyms: babble, chat Antonyms: quiet, silence

Example Sentence:

With North Korea, the palaver is mostly about hoping and waiting. 

9. APPOSE (VERB): place side by side

Synonyms: connect, pair Antonyms: separate

Example Sentence:

It took so long for me to appose with what I was doing, but I did have a history of eating disorders.

10. ASSAY (ADJECTIVE): analysis

Synonyms: assessment, evaluation Antonyms: ignorance, neglect

Example Sentence:

But the next afternoon, and perhaps the next, we would return to the same cruxes, and often assay the same options.

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