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Vocabulary - 24.10.2015

Bankers Guru

1. MANNA (NOUN): gift

Synonyms: bonanza, boon 

Example Sentence: 

He gave the little girl some manna to eat and lay down to sleep.

2. FLEX (VERB): bend

Synonyms: mound, vault Antonyms: straighten, bend

Example Sentence:

Companies like Delta, Apple, and Nike flex their political muscle on behalf of gay rights.

3. BENEDICTION (NOUN): closing prayer

Synonyms: invocation, amen Antonyms: condemnation, disfavour

Example Sentence: 

Where their benediction fell, their flocks were sure to go—or that was the idea.

4. BUSTLE (NOUN): quick and busy activity

Synonyms: commotion, tumult Antonyms: order, peace 

Example Sentence:

There is much purposeful hustle and bustle but tasks go uncompleted; confusion reigns.

5. BRISTLE (NOUN): short, prickly hair

Synonyms: prickle, quill Antonyms: long hair

Example Sentence:

The second feature involves a bristle and inkwell that will also be featured on the front 

of the note.

6. WHEEDLE (VERB): talk into

Synonyms: cajole, finagle Antonyms: repel, disgust

Example Sentence:

I know that I have but to wheedle you and you, too, will yield!

7. SERMON (NOUN): instructive speech with a moral

Synonyms: advice, homily Antonyms: deception

Example Sentence: 

Why has the government suddenly allowed him to leave his home and attend the Friday sermon ?

8. STEER (VERB): guide, direct on a course 

Synonyms: drive, govern Antonyms: abandon, obey

Example Sentence:

They just lack, in other words, a pilot to steer the plane of the right grand policy. 

9. ARMOIRE (NOUN): large cabinet

Synonyms: wardrobe, repository 

Example Sentence:

It seemed such a small brown spot, in such haste, dipping between the candles on the armoire.

10. TRAVESTY (NOUN): spoof, ridicule

Synonyms: distortion, farce Antonyms: seriousness, solemnity

Example Sentence:

From what I can tell, the reception to this new Ryan travesty is mixed.

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