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Vocabulary - 28.10.2015

Bankers Guru

1. HERETICAL (ADJECTIVE): unorthodox

Synonyms: agnostic, apostate 

Antonyms: orthodox

Example Sentence: 

Conservatives have written the whole thing off as the heretical pursuit of the Bush administration.


Synonyms: compact, condense Antonyms: soften, dilute

Example Sentence:

The disintegrated mass of rabbits commenced, as it were, to solidify, to coagulate.

3. WEDGED (ADJECTIVE): unaware

Synonyms: suspended, confused Antonyms: aware

Example Sentence: 

The heavy canvas tunnels were on iron hooks that could be wedged in the window frames.

4. TRANSFUSE (VERB): charge

Synonyms: suffuse, encumber Antonyms: release, help 

Example Sentence:

Fifty or sixty years ago surgeons did not hesitate to transfuse the blood of animals into human beings.

5. STRATAGEM (NOUN): trick

Synonyms: gimmick, ploy Antonyms: honesty, reality

Example Sentence:

Let no one know that I have come, for I must slay the suitors by stratagem.


Synonyms: contemptible, vile Antonyms: worthy, respectable

Example Sentence:

The ratings will be dastardly for the full five-year term," they intoned.

7. FARCE (NOUN): nonsense, satire

Synonyms: comedy, mockery Antonyms: tragedy, seriousness

Example Sentence:

Republicanism has become a Southern Gothic farce of paranoia, resentment, scandal, and hypocritical moralism.

8. SCALAWAG (NOUN): rascal 

Synonyms: miscreant, rogue Antonyms: humble

Example Sentence:

And when did I ever talk to you about the quality, you scalawag?


Synonyms: acute, sharp Antonyms: blunt

Example Sentence:

By repeated solutions in alcohol it may be obtained under the form of white, silky, acicular crystals.


Synonyms: abusive, brash 

Example Sentence:

It was a day without a breath of wind, such as alternate in the archipelago with days of contumelious breezes.

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