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Vocabulary Words - 06.11.2015

Bankers Guru
1. UNFLAPPABLE (ADJECTIVE): cool and calm

Synonyms: composed, impassive 

Antonyms: nervous, upset

Example Sentence: 

"I am where I belong," he said with his unflappable confidence.

2. CHIME (VERB): ring, peal

Synonyms: bell, clang 

Antonyms: lose

Example Sentence:

The wind chime above the door tinkled.

3. WALLOW (VERB): slosh around in

Synonyms: flounder, lurch 

Antonyms: steady, straighten

Example Sentence: 

Ever since April she lost her job, she has done nothing but wallow in self-pity.

4. MIFFED (ADJECTIVE): displeased

Synonyms: annoyed, irritated 

Antonyms: happy, pleased 

Example Sentence:

I was miffed that I was the sole person burdened with straightening out this mess.

5. EXHILARATING (ADJECTIVE): stimulating, cheering

Synonyms: inspiring, thrilling 

Antonyms: boring, depressing

Example Sentence:

The new roller coaster ride lasts four minutes and is an exhilarating amusement.


Synonyms: disparaging, maligning 

Antonyms: praising, nice

Example Sentence:

He repelled the suggestion by a slighting gesture of the hand.

7. REVILE (VERB): scold

Synonyms: berate, chide 

Antonyms: laud, approve

Example Sentence:

To the candidate, it came as no surprise that his political rival would revile him in front 

of the press.

8. EERILY (ADVERB): strangely 

Synonyms: weirdly, creepily 

Antonyms: naturally, pleasantly

Example Sentence:

His eyes glowed eerily in the dark kitchen.

9. UNKEMPT (ADJECTIVE): shabby, sloppy

Synonyms: messy, neglected 

Antonyms: clean, neat

Example Sentence:

Excessive littering has turned this once clean soccer park into an unkempt field.

10. OVERT (ADJECTIVE): obvious, unconcealed

Synonyms: apparent, definite 

Antonyms: unclear, uncertain

Example Sentence:

Since the detective is an observant fellow, he can easily notice facts that are not overt.

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