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Vocabulary - 07.11.2015

Bankers Guru

1. GRIPE (NOUN): complaint

Synonyms: grievance, objection

Antonyms: comfort, pleasure

Example Sentence: 

The angry man just sat in the corner and griped about being there.

2. PROFANATION (NOUN): sacrilege

Synonyms: curse, crime 

Antonyms: kindness, praise

Example Sentence:

What would the old counts of your ancestry have said to such a profanation?

3. RAPINE (VERB): despoil

Synonyms: plunder, seize 

Antonyms: liberate, free

Example Sentence: 

One of them, who had been concerned in some act of violence or rapine, had given information against his companions.

4. RAMPAGE (NOUN): storm, violence

Synonyms: destruction, turmoil 

Antonyms: order, harmony 

Example Sentence:

They remained in port for several days in the belief that their enemy was still on the rampage outside.


Synonyms: contradictory, opposed 

Antonyms: supported, favouring

Example Sentence:

There is a deep need for increased constructive competition in our polarized political system.

6. EXACERBATE (VERB): infuriate; make worse

Synonyms: aggravate, annoy 

Antonyms: alleviate, soothe

Example Sentence:

By bringing in further low skilled immigrants, we'll only exacerbate an existing problem.

7. ZAP (VERB): destroy, kill

Synonyms: exterminate, slaughter 

Antonyms: initiate, give birth

Example Sentence:

We use chemical poisons to zap the rats during the day and the snipers at night.

8. PREPONDERANCE (NOUN): great numbers; supremacy 

Synonyms: predominance, prevalence 

Antonyms: inferiority, weakness

Example Sentence:

The restaurant ran out of food because it was not prepared for such a preponderance 

of customers on opening day.

9. DECREPIT (ADJECTIVE): deteriorated, debilitated, especially as a result of age

Synonyms: battered, crippled 

Antonyms: healthy, sound

Example Sentence:

The owners have plans to renovate their decrepit hotel.

10. ELATION (NOUN): extreme happiness

Synonyms: bliss, ecstasy 
Antonyms: sorrow, woe

Example Sentence:

His elation increased at the sight of the little girl he had saved.

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