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Close Test (Based On Memory) Asked in CWE-Clerk Exam (First Shift - 05-12-2015)

Bankers Guru
In a certain lake there lived two fish, Multiwit and Centiwit by name. In course of time they became friendly with a frog named Uniwit. The three of them would spend some time by the lakeside, experiencing the pleasures of good conversation; then they would return again into the water.

Once, while the three were engaged in a colloquium at sunset, some fishermen passed by the lake with nets in their hands  and many fish they had caught on their heads. Seeing the lake, they said to each other: “O this lake seems to have many fish and not too much water. We will come here in the morning.” Then they went home.

The fish, their faces gloomy, also consulted each other. The frog said: “O Multiwit and Centiwit, did you hear what the fishermen said? Now what is better to do?

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