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IBPS - SO - AGRICULTURE - QUIZ : 24.12.2015

Bankers Guru

Q.1. Which one of the following is richest source of vitamin 'A'?

(1) Apple (2) Mango

(3) Papaya (4) Guava

(5) Orange

Ans: (2)

Q.2. Waxing enhances the shelf life of fruits because it checks.

(1) Transpiration

(2) Respiration

(3) Ripening

(4) Transpiration & Respiration

(5) Temperature

Ans: (4)

Q.3. Pressure Tester is used for-

(1) Maturity (2) Ripening

(3) Handling (4) Grading

(5) Softness

Ans: (1)

Q.4. Yellow colour of Papaya is due to:

(1) Papain (2) Lycopene

(3) Caricaxanthin (4) Carotene

(5) 2 and 4 both

Ans: (3)

Q.5. Which one of the following is known as "Poor man's Apple"?

(1) Mango (2) Lytchi

(3) Pear (4) Banana

(5) Papaya

Ans: (3)

Q.6. Where does India rank in production of vegetable in the world?

(1) First (2) Second

(3) Third (4) Fourth

(5) Fifth

Ans: (2)

Q.7. Requirement of fruit per capita per day is

(1) 100 g (2) 150 g

(3) 120 g (4) 200 g

(5) 250 g

Ans: (3)

Q.8. Whiptail disorder is found in:

(1) Cauliflower (2) Cabbage

(3) Onion (4) Knol khol

(5) Garlic

Ans: (1)

Q.9. Which of the following is a dioecious vegetable crop?

(1) Pumpkin (2) Pointedgourd

(3) Spongegourd (4) Ridgegourd

(5) Bottleguard

Ans: (2)

Q.10. Most serious pest of Mango is

(1) Aphid (2) Jassid

(3) Mango hopper (4) Termite

(5) Woodworms

Ans: (3)

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