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IBPS - SO - AGRICULTURE - QUIZ : 28.12.2015

Bankers Guru
Q.1. Use of the Kisan Cell Centre shows

(1) that the farmer wants information about the technology.

(2) the farmer wants to pass the time somehow.

(3) the Govt has enough money so it can waste a little.

(4) the farmer is not bothered about actual advances in science and technology.

(5) that the farmers do not want to work in the fileds.

Ans: (1)

Q.2. If rural people organize themselves into cooperatives, the task of agricultural extension,

(1) will become more difficult

(2) will become easier

(3) will be easy in marketing, but more difficult in other areas of agriculture

(4) will be no different than otherwise

(5) will become a waste of time and money

Ans: (2)

Q.3. Lab to land project advocate by

(1) UNO

(2) World Bank 

(3) ICAR 

(4) CSIR

(5) Planning Commission

Ans: (3)

Q.4. e-extension is best suited for

(1) adoption of innovations

(2) dissemination of information

(3) exchange of opinions

(4) crop husbandry only

(5) transmission of new technologies

Ans: (2)

Q.5. Organic matter content in most Indian soils range between.

(1) 0.5-2 

(2) 3-4

(3) 0.2-0.4 

(4) 5-6

(5) 1.5-3.4

Ans: (1)

Q.6. Which one is a C4 crop Plant?

(1) Pigeonpea 

(2) Wheat 

(3) Sugarcane

(4) Mustard

(5) Sunflower

Ans: (3)

Q.7. Optimum temperature for normal wheat sowing is :

(1) 15 oC - 20 oC 

(2) 20 oC - 25 oC

(3) 30 oC - 35 oC 

(4) 25 oC - 30 oC

(5) 24 oC - 28 oC

Ans: (2)

Q.8. Zinc is absorbed by the plant from the soil in the ionic fonn

(1) Zn (2) Zn+ + +

(3) Zn+ + 

(4) ZnO

(5) Zn+

Ans: (3)

Q.9. Most effective weedicide as pre-emergence weedcontrol in maize crops is :

(1) Butachlor 

(2) Simazine

(3) Isoproturon 

(4) 2, 4-D

(5) Forate

Ans: (2)

Q.10. Best method of irrigation in potato crop is

(1) Border strip 

(2) Flooding

(3) Furrow 

(4) Basin method

(5) Drip

Ans: (3)

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