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IBPS - SO - LAW - QUIZ : 28.12.2015

Bankers Guru

1. 'A' cuts down a tree on Z's ground without his permission and takes it away withhout Z's consent. 'A' commits an offence of : 

(1) Extortion (2) Criminal trespass 

(3) Theft (4) Dishonest misappropriation

(5) Treason

ANS: (3)

2. The essence of sedition is:

(1) intention only (2) benefits and gains of the accused (3) result only (

4) both intention and result (5) harrassment

ANS: (4)

3. Common intention implies: 

(1) Similar intention (2) Pre-arranged planning 

(3) Presence of Common Knowledge (4) Common design for common object

(5) Same Objective

ANS: (2)

4. The term "Illegal", used under the code, does not include: 

(1) Which is an offence 

(2) Which is prohibited by law 

(3) Which furnihes ground for a civil action

(4) Which is morally wrong

(5) Which is not acceptable by a community

ANS: (4)

5. Which one of the following cases does not deal with right of private Defence?

(1) Amjad Khan v. State of Madhya Pradesh (2) Vishwanath v. State of U.P.

(3) Bishambhar v. Roomal (4) Deo Narain v. State of U.P. 

(5) Priya Patel Vs State Of M.P.

ANS: (3)

6. 'A', in India, instigates B, a foreigner in Nepal, to commit murder in Nepal. 'B' commits murder. A' is liable;

(1) to the offence of murder (2) for abetting the offence of murder

(3) both for murder and abetting of murder (4) for no offence

(5) for conspiration of murder

ANS: (2)

7. Which one of the following punishments is prescribed for the offence of 'Affray' under the code ?

(1) One month imprisonment only

(2) Only with fine which may extend to one hundred rupees.

(3) Both imprisonment which may extend to three months and fine which may extent to one thousand rupees.

(4) Imprisonment which may extend to one month or with fine which may extent to one hundred rupees or the both

(5) Six months imprisonment only

ANS: (4)

8. Section 511, IPC does not apply in case of :

(1) Attempt to murder (2) Attempt to affray 

(3) Attempt to riot (4) Attempt to theft

(5) Attempt to defame

ANS: (1)

9. Find out CORRECT statement :

(1) Section 34 IPC is rule of evidence only

(2) Section 34 IPC Constitutes a Substantive offence

(3) Section 34 IPC is 'punishment-clause' only

(4) Both (1) and (3)

(5) None of the above

ANS: (1)

10. Which one of the following cases does not relate to 'obscenity' ?

(1) R v. Hicklin

(2) Ranjit D. Udeshi v. State of Maharastrs

(3) Samarcsh Bose v. Amal Micra

(4) Suresh Kumar Kouahal v. Naz foundation and others

(5) Stellar Vs. Sophia

ANS: (4)

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