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IBPS - SO - MARKETING - QUIZ : 24.12.2015

Bankers Guru

Q.1. Factors which influence the buyer’s behaviour are- 

(1) Personal factors 

(2) Social factors 

(3) Cultural factors 

(4) Psychological factors 

(5) All of the above 

Ans. (5) All of the above

Q.2. In product concept, the profit is earned through _______

(1) Satisfaction of Consumer 

(2) Promotion 

(3) Quality of product 

(4) 1 and 2 

(5) 2 and 3 

Ans. (3) Quality of product

Q.3. ‘Specialty product’ means ———— 

(1) News paper 

(2) Petrol 

(3) Car 

(4) Pencil 

(5) 2 and 3 

Ans. (5)

Q.4. Example of Departmental stores is/are ——- 

(1) Big bazaar 

(2) General store 

(3) Show rooms 

(4) Grocery Shops 

(5) None of these 

Ans. (1) Big bazaar 

Q.5. Sales and distribution is a part of —— 

(1) Product 

(2) Price 

(3) Place 

(4) Promotion

(5) Profit

Ans. (3) Place

Q.6. First step in buying process ———— 

(1) problem recognition 

(2) product purchase 

(3) Post purchase behaviour 

(4) Buyer behaviour

(5) product analysis 

Ans: (1) problem recognition

Q.7. SCM means ———- 

(1) Supply chain marketing 

(2) Supply chain market 

(3) Supply channel market 

(4) Supply channel manager 

(5) Supply chain management

Ans. (5) Supply chain management

Q.8. Intangible features of a product is ——

(1) Value 

(2) taste 

(3) Smell 

(4) 2 and 3 

(5) 1 and 2 

Ans. (4) 2 and 3

Q.9. Internet marketing comes into ————- 

(1) Meta Market 

(2) Market Space 

(3) Market Place 

(4) Mega Market

(5) Micro Market

Ans. (2) Market Space

Q.10. Which is a type of buyer behaviour?

(1) Complex behaviour 

(2) product variety seeking behaviour 

(3) Habitual buying behaviour 

(4) All of these 

(5) None of these 

Ans. (4) All of these

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