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IBPS - SO - MARKETING : 26.12.2015

Bankers Guru

Q.1 VCM stand for ————

(1) Variety channel marketing

(2) Value channel management

(3) Value chain management

(4) Variety chain management

(5) Variable channel management

Ans. (3) Value chain management

Q.2 Last stage in PLC is———-

(1) Growth

(2) Production

(3) Decline

(4) Distribution

(5) Maturity

Ans. (3) Decline 

Q.3 DSR stands for ———-

(1) Daily sale report

(2) Daily selling record

(3) Direct selling report

(4) Direct sale record

(5) Direct Sale Response

Ans. (1) Daily sale report

Q.4 Government universities come under ——

(1) Consumer market

(2) Industrial market

(3) Global market

(4) Non-profit market

(5) Profit market

Ans. (4) Non-profit market

Q.5 ‘A Guarantee company taking a responsibility’, is what kind of marketing?

(1) Exchange marketing

(2) Product marketing

(3) Accountable marketing

(4) Re-active marketing

(5) Pro-active marketing

Ans. (3) Accountable marketing

Q.6 Banks informing customers about loan taken by them is———-

(1) Re-active marketing

(2) Pro-active marketing

(3) Accountable marketing

(4) Product marketing

(5) Passive marketing

Ans. (1) Re-active marketing

Q.7 Targeting strategies are ———

(1) Standardization

(2) Focus

(3) Differentiation

(4) All of the above

(5) 1 and 2

Ans. (4) All of these

Q.8 Father of management is——-

(1) Philip Kotler

(2) F.W. Taylor

(3) Henry Fayol

(4) Mc-Garthy

(5) H. Henry

Ans. (1) Philip Kotler

Q.9 Marketing activity is associated with ———-

(1) Plant

(2) Company

(3) Factory

(4) Consumer

(5) Employer

Ans. (2) Company

Q.10 Political parties come under which environment?

(1) Micro environment

(2) Macro environment

(3) Demographic environment

(4) Single environment

(5) Political environment

Ans. (2) Macro environment

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