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IBPS - SO - MARKETING : 28.12.2015

Bankers Guru
Q.1. Motivation is a ———

(1) Personal factor 

(2) Psychological factor 

(3) Social factor 

(4) Economic factor 

(5) Biological factor 

Ans. (2) Psychological factor

Q.2. Life Style comes under ————— 

(1) Psychological factor 

(2) Personal factor 

(3) Social factor 

(4) Cultural factor 

(5) None of these 

Ans. (2) Personal factor 

Q.3. Client means ————— 

(1) Consumer 

(2) Customer 

(3) Professional Customer 

(4) Permanent Customer 

(5) All of these 

Ans. (4) Permanent Customer

Q.4. What is the first step in marketing process?

(1) Controlling 

(2) Analyzing 

(3) Planning 

(4) Setting Objectives 

(5) Advertising 

Ans. (3) Planning

Q.5. A van with company poster is – 

(1) Advertisement 

(2) Publicity 

(3) Public relation 

(4) Distribution 

(5) Segmentation 

Ans. (1) Advertisement

Q.6. LPG stands for —————- 

(1) Legal Profit Ground 

(2) Liberalization Privilege Government 

(3) Liberalization Privatization Globalization 

(4) Loan Paid Guarantee 

(5) None of these 

Ans. (3) Liberalization Privatization Globalization

Q.7. Internal marketing means –

(1) Business

(2) Intranet transaction 

(3) Selling products to family members 

(4) C-Business

(5) E- Business

Ans. (2) Intranet transaction 

Q.8. Consumerism is _______ 

(1) An Act 

(2) A Movement 

(3) A Theory 

(4) A Revolution 

(5) A Study 

Ans. (2) A Movement

Q.9. A bank annual balance sheet in new paper is—

(1) Publicity 

(2) Public relation 

(3) Advertisement 

(4) Promotion

(5) Document

Ans. (2) Public relation

Q.10. Competitors come under ————- 

(1) Micro Environment 

(2) Macro Environment 

(3) Social Environment 

(4) Political Environment 

(5) Internal Environment

Ans. (1) Micro Environment

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