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Number Series (Based On Memory) Asked in CWE-Clerk Exam (First Shift - 05-12-2015)

Bankers Guru
1. 19, 36 , 70, 121, ?, 274

2. 2, 3, 7. 22. 89, ?

3. 188, 92, 44, 20, 8, ?

4. 200, 208, 192. 224. ?

5. 16, ?, 8, 12. 24. 60

  • 620  of  40 %   +  ? of 65 % = 404
  •  ? (5/9   + 8/5  + 2/5)= 621
  • 50/5.5   x 44   + ?  = 620
  •  325  of  40%  + 86   = 288 of   ? %

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