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Vocabulary - 02.12.2015

Bankers Guru

1. PITTANCE (NOUN): small amount

Synonyms: allowance, portion 

Antonyms: lot, sufficiency

Example Sentence:

These immigrants are often employed illegally (but also legally) for a pittance, working in factories or as fruit pickers.


Synonyms: accurately, directly Antonyms: different, contrast

Example Sentence:

I shall here relate you one of the many stories of the kind, verbatim, as I received it.

3. RUDDY (ADJECTIVE): pinkish, blushing

Synonyms: blooming, glowing Antonyms: pale, bleached

Example Sentence: 

His complexion was ruddy, his fair skin burnt from time in the sun.

4. DELINQUENT (ADJECTIVE): irresponsible, defaulting

Synonyms: offending, tardy Antonyms: responsible, careful

Example Sentence:

He recognized his predatory streak clearly enough that he had to split his delinquent 

private self from his public concerns.

5. PERJURY (NOUN): lying while under oath

Synonyms: deception, dishonesty Antonyms: truth, honesty

Example Sentence:

The whole business was provocative of fraud and perjury and bribery.

6. GRADATE (VERB): calculate, judge

Synonyms: adjust, assess Antonyms: disorder, divide

Example Sentence:

At all events he can gradate from black to white with remarkable minuteness and ease.

7. STRUT (VERB): walk pompously

Synonyms: prance, stalk Antonyms: conceal, hide

Example Sentence:

The kids hold what they call a “ramp walk,” a mock fashion show where we all dress 

up and strut on a makeshift stage.

8. DISABUSE (VERB): free from belief

Synonyms: debunk, enlighten Antonyms: limit, restrain 

Example Sentence:

No amount of sweet-sounding oratory is going to disabuse him of his hard-driving partisan agenda.

9. LITHE (ADJECTIVE): flexible, graceful and slender

Synonyms: agile, limber Antonyms: clumsy, rigid

Example Sentence:

Who was that lithe, bendable gymnast setting alight the Olympic flame?

10. QUERULOUS (ADJECTIVE): grouchy, hard to please

Synonyms: complaining, critical Antonyms: cheerful, happy

Example Sentence:

If there was an award for being querulous, my aunt would win because she is always complaining about something.

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