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Vocabulary - 03.12.2015

Bankers Guru


Synonyms: timid, yellow 

Antonyms: bold, brave

Example Sentence:

"Why you should call him a recreant knight, I cannot for the life of me understand," she said.

2. SATE (VERB): satisfy

Synonyms: satiate, gratify Antonyms: abstain, starve

Example Sentence:

Verdict: Not that original, but it will sate the appetite of vampire-starved fans.

3. GLITCH (NOUN): error

Synonyms: bug, defect Antonyms: advantage, perfection

Example Sentence: 

But nobody has yet delivered a cloud computing system that is glitch free.

4. SUFFRAGE (NOUN): legal right

Synonyms: assent, attestation Antonyms: disagreement, dispute

Example Sentence:

It is claimed that if the suffrage be given to women it is to protect them.

5. SUBTERFUGE (NOUN): cheating

Synonyms: deception, ploy Antonyms: fairness, sincerity

Example Sentence:

A book that will remain relevant as long as governments use ludicrous forms of subterfuge to disguise deviant behavior.

6. SOBRIQUET (NOUN): nickname

Synonyms: appellation, moniker Antonyms: name, signature

Example Sentence:

There is a report that some of his political foes, playing upon his initials, saddled him with the sobriquet of "Rat."

7. SMUG (ADJECTIVE): pleased with oneself

Synonyms: complacent, pompous Antonyms: humble, modest

Example Sentence:

A fat, smug undertaker was commissioned to arrange all the details.

8. SALUBRIOUS (ADJECTIVE): health-giving

Synonyms: beneficial, healthy Antonyms: unhealthy, unwholesome 

Example Sentence:

Cases of auto-infection are in this country extremely rare, if not unknown altogether, in salubrious or rural districts.


Synonyms: concise, pithy Antonyms: lengthy, expansive

Example Sentence:

A proverb is a short, sententious saying, in the nature of a maxim, connoting a definite truth or suggestion by comparison.

10. SNARL (NOUN): complication, mess

Synonyms: chaos, clutter Antonyms: clarity, order

Example Sentence:

Something had to be done to bring order and system into the snarl of brotherly love.

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