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Vocabulary - 08.12.2015

Bankers Guru

1. CANARD (NOUN): lie

Synonyms: hoax, rumor 

Antonyms: truth, honesty

Example Sentence:

The disturbing canard about his company’s finances left him in despair.

2. VEER (VERB): change direction

Synonyms: deviate, diverge Antonyms: keep to, straighten

Example Sentence:

The number of liberals and conservatives on the court may stay the same, but the outcomes of cases may veer to the right.

3. FOOLPROOF (ADJECTIVE): infallible 

Synonyms: flawless, reliable Antonyms: flawed, imperfect

Example Sentence:

No matter how foolproof you think your setup is, if you start smuggling you're bound to get caught.


Synonyms: wanton, profligate Antonyms: careful, chaste

Example Sentence:

But this is all promiscuous: I am not talking of the servants now, but the masters.

5. PRESENTIMENT (NOUN): anticipation, expectation

Synonyms: apprehension, discomposure Antonyms: calm, quiet

Example Sentence:

Without understanding what she wanted, he had the presentiment of something terrible.


Synonyms: brave, courageous Antonyms: coward, timid

Example Sentence:

His redoubtable instincts as a prize-fighter kept his opponents at arm’s distance.

7. MACHIAVELLIAN (ADJECTIVE): deceit and cunning

Synonyms: deceitful, shrewd Antonyms: honest, artless

Example Sentence:

The ruler used Machiavellian tactics to stay in power and remain wealthy.

8. OAF (NOUN): stupid and clumsy 

Synonyms: gawk, lout Antonyms: genius, intellect

Example Sentence:

That stupid oaf is always knocking things over. 

9. OBEISANCE (NOUN): salutation

Synonyms: tribute, homage Antonyms: disrespect, disregard.

Example Sentence:

He graciously accepted our obeisance.

10. PAEAN (NOUN): A song of joyful praise or exultation.

Synonyms: eulogy, anthem Antonyms: condemnation, denunciation

Example Sentence:

The piece is a paean of praise for God and his creation.

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