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Vocabulary - 26.12.2015

Bankers Guru
1. RAGAMUFFIN (NOUN): person who is poor, tattered

Synonyms: beggar, loafer 

Antonyms: sophisticated, wealthy 

Example Sentence: 

Then he is known as the "ragamuffin," on account of his covering of rags.

2. PASTICHE (NOUN): work of art formed from disparate sources

Synonyms: collage, compilation Antonyms: original, first

Example Sentence:

He tentatively suggested that the text is a pastiche compiled by a modern forger with an elementary grasp of Coptic.

3. SPOONERISM (NOUN): misspeaking

Synonyms: lapsus linguae, mistake Antonyms: perfection, correctness

Example Sentence:

Spoonerisms can easily confuse the listener, who expects to hear the correct words.

4. REQUIEM (NOUN): error, misunderstanding

Synonyms: fault, omission Antonyms: accuracy, success

Example Sentence:

The margin of requiem in the CBS instant poll was plus or minus four percentage points.

5. TESTY (ADJECTIVE): irritable, touchy

Synonyms: annoyed, cranky Antonyms: happy, cheerful

Example Sentence:

There is a relationship that develops, tense and often testy, between a journalist and his 


6. CANTATA (NOUN): written or musical creation

Synonyms: melody, drama Antonyms: silence, muteness 

Example Sentence:

I hear the cantata was admirably sung and won the Emperors approval.


Synonyms: reddish, florid Antonyms: pale, sad

Example Sentence:

Her son's rubicund and puckered countenance lightened at her approach.

8. ARCANE (ADJECTIVE): hidden, secret

Synonyms: esoteric, impenetrable Antonyms: known, normal

Example Sentence:

The topic is a bit arcane, and takes some explaining to get readers up to speed to appreciate it.

9. STRICTURE (NOUN): censure

Synonyms: blame, criticism Antonyms: compliment, praise

Example Sentence:

Despite the strictures of living in a small apartment, we really enjoyed the time we spent in New York City.


Synonyms: antagonistic, caustic Antonyms: kind, nice

Example Sentence:

The debate between the two was heated and vitriolic and thus they attracted the attention of everyone in the park.

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