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Vocabulary - 28.12.2015

Bankers Guru

1. SHENANIGANS (NOUN): mischief 

Synonyms: antics, misbehaviour

Antonyms: obedience, manners 

Example Sentence: 

The whole incident was a nightmare for McCain, rivaled only by the shenanigans of his own running mate. 

2. COGNIZANCE (NOUN): awareness 

Synonyms: attention, cognition Antonyms: disregard, ignorance 

Example Sentence: 

Moreover, the test in question takes no cognizance of persons who have no power of control. 

3. AGGLOMERATION (NOUN): collection 

Synonyms: cluster, heap Antonyms: lack, part 

Example Sentence: 

The agglomeration of data, however, is not offering a clear picture to economists and policymakers who yearn for one. 

4. ASCENDANCY (NOUN): domination 

Synonyms: predominance, command Antonyms: weakness, subordination 

Example Sentence: 

And I wish he had elaborated on his intriguing suggestion that “Watergate secured the ascendancy of movement revanchism.” 

5. EERIE (ADJECTIVE): spooky 

Synonyms: bizarre, creepy Antonyms: common, familiar 

Example Sentence: 

What she may not be entitled to, however, is to attack my editor for the eerie art on 

grounds that are without basis. 

6. RECUPERATE (VERB): improve in health 

Synonyms: heal, convalesce Antonyms: worsen, decline 

Example Sentence: 

And now everyone has two full days to recuperate from all that drama. 

7. WISTFUL (ADJECTIVE): daydreaming, longing 

Synonyms: dreamy, contemplative Antonyms: cheerful, joyful 

Example Sentence: 

All the boys who had been dropped from the football team were wistfully watching their teammates getting ready for the match. 

8. STOPGAP (ADJECTIVE): temporarily helping 

Synonyms: emergency, expedient Antonyms: completed, permanent 

Example Sentence: 

Despite all the stopgap measures, the automobile companies were unable to develop the design of the fuel injection system to meet the changing requirements of its users. 

9. BROACH (VERB): bring up a topic 

Synonyms: moot, mention Antonyms: withdraw, take back 

Example Sentence: 

My friend was proud of her new dress, so no one knew how to broach the subject with 

her of how ugly someone can look in leather pants. 

10. INTERREGNUM (NOUN): interval 

Synonyms: meantime, break Antonyms: continuation, permanence 

Example Sentence: 

He was elected by the Roman people at the close of a year's interregnum, during which the sovereignty had been exercised by the members of the senate in rotation. 

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