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IBPS - SO - AGRICULTURE - QUIZ :11.01.2016

Bankers Guru

1. What is the lowest unit of soil classification?

(1) Family 

(2) Type 

(3) Phase 

(4) Series

(5) Order

Ans: (4)

2. Vermicast is also known as:

(1) Green gold (2) Brown gold

(3) Black gold (4) Red gold

(5) Agri gold

Ans: (3)

3. Which of the following is a complex fertilizer?

(1) Single superphosphate

(2) Ammonium sulphate nitrate

(3) Ammonium phosphate 

(4) Calcium ammonium nitrate

(5) Calcium hemihydrate

Ans: (3)

4. Which process is responsible for accumulation of materials in B horizons? 

(1) Eluviation (2) Illuviation

(3) Carbonation (4) Oxidation

(5) Cheluviation

Ans: (2)

5. Which of the following element is called as nanonutrient element?

(1) Zinc (2) Copper

(3) Iron (4) Molybdenum

(5) Phosphorus

Ans: (4)

6. Assessment of soil texture by feel method is done by:

(1) Ball formation (2) Ribbon formation (3) Staining 

(4) Dryingpp (5) Lump formation

Ans: (1)

7. Mitochondria are self replicating organelles because they have:

(1) Thylakoids (2) Oxysomes

(3) Ribosomes (4) DNA

(5) Centorid

Ans: (1)

8. Which of the following is directly related to genetic engineering?

(1) Heterosis (2) Plasmid

(3) Mutation (4) Apomixes

(5) Crossing-over

Ans: (2)

9. The first recombinant DNA was produced by:

(1) Sanger (2) Pauling

(3) Paul Berg (4) Khorana

(5) Both (1) and (4)

Ans: (3)

10. Inheritance of a quantitative trait was firstly provided in Nicotiana longiflona by:

(1) Jule (1906)

(2) Nilsson-Ehle (1909)

(3) R.M, East (1916)

(4) Jinks & Mather (1948)

(5) Other than these options

Ans: (2)

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