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IBPS - SO - AGRICULTURE - QUIZ : 12.01.2016

Bankers Guru

1. For self-pollinated crops, the dominance genetic variance in line x tester analysis is equal to:

(2) 2 s 2 sca (2) s 2 sca

(3) 4 s 2 sca (4) s 2 sca/2

(5) 3 s 2 sca

Ans: (2)

2. If n = number of parents and s = sample size of the cross, the number of crosses required for partial diallel analysis can be obtained by the formula ;

(1) ns/2 (2) n(ns)/2

(3) ns (4) 2ns

(5) 2ns/3

Ans: (1)

3. Additive genetic variance arises due to:

(1) Differences between two heterozygotes

(2) Differences between a heterozygote and a homozygote

(3) Differences between two homozygotes

(4) Similarities in two heterozygotes

(5) Other than these options

Ans: (3)

4. First artificial interspecific hybrid was developed by:

(1) R.W. Allard (2) P. H. Harvey (3) Thomas Fairchild (4) R. E. Comstock

(5) Other than these options

Ans: (3)

5. Chromosome numbers usually vary from variety to variety in:

(1) Sugarcane (2) Pea (3) Barley (4) Rye (5) Rice

Ans: (1)

6. A pair of homologous chromosome of different length is called:

(1) Homomorphic bivalent

(2) Heteromorphic bivalent

(3) Bivalent

(4) Zygomorphic bivalent

(5) Pseudomorphic bivalent

Ans: (2)

7. Bridges are seen in:

(1) Paracentric inversion

(2) Pericenttic inversion

(3) In both para & pericentric inversions

(4) Holocentric inversions

(5) Telocentric inversions

Ans: (2)

8. Triticales are the examples of:

(1) Interspecific hybridization

(2) Intergeneric hybridization

(3) Varietal hybridization 

(4) Southern hybridization

(5) Northern Crossing

Ans: (2)

9. To plough one hectare of land in the traditional way, a farmer and his animal have to walk:

(1) 50 km (2) 60 km (3) 70 km (4) 80 km (5) 100 Km

Ans: (4)

10. To meet both qualitative and quantitative demand of rice in future, the only option is:

(1) Hybrid rice 

(2) Dwarf high yielding rice 

(3) Aerobic rice

(4) Designer rice

(5) Golden Rice

Ans: (4)

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