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IBPS - SO - AGRICULTURE : 22.01.2016

Bankers Guru
Q.1. Diacrisia obliqua is the scientific name of

(1) Termite

(2) Top borer

(3) Bihar hairy caterpillar

(4) Leaf hoper

(5) Serpentes

Q.2. Fore-gut of insects is lined internally by

(1) Peritrophic membrane

(2) Epithelial membrane

(3) Cuticular intima

(4) Taenidia

(5) Both 1 and 4

Q.3. In which order females insects have no pupal stage but males have 

(1) Mallophaga 

(2) Strepsiptera 

(3) Epemeroptera

(4) Dictyoptera

(5) Both 3 and 4

Q.4. Dasineura lini is pest of-

(1) Castor 

(2) Linseed 

(3) Seasamum 

(4) Groundnut 

(5) Sugarcane

Q.5. Insects feeding on plants of several genera within a family are called

(1) Phytophagous

(2) Polyphagous

(3) Oligophagous

(4) Monophagous

(5) Both 1 and 3

Q.6. Most of the insects cannot survive the temperatures above 

(1) 29.9°C 

(2) 39.9°C 

(3) 49.9°C 

(4) 59.9°C 

(5) 19.3°C 

Q.7. Out of the following poisons which works as an anti-coagulant for the control of rats? 

(1) Zinc phosphide 

(2) Strychmine 

(3) Warfarin 

(4) Parathion

(5) Dalteparin

Q.8. Piercing and scking type of mouth parts are found in

(1) Grasshopper 

(2) House fly 

(3) Aphids 

(4) Beetles 

(5) Mosquito

Q.9. The gland which produces pheromone in queen honey bee

(1) Mandibular gland

(2) Maxillary gland

(3) Labial gland

(4) Pharyngeal gland

(5) Pancreas gland

Q.10. The legless young of a housefly is known as

(1) Caterpillar 

(2) Maggot 

(3) Nymph 

(4) Grub 

(5) Adult


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Q.3 (2) 

Q.4 (2) 

Q.5 (3)

Q.6 (4) 

Q.7 (3)

Q.8 (3) 

Q.9 (1) 

Q.10 (2)

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