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IBPS - SO - HR - QUIZ : 11.01.2016

Bankers Guru

Q.1. The three most important job-related attitudes are:

(1) Job involvement, organizational commitment and job enrichment

(2) Job satisfaction, job orientation and organizational commitment

(3) Job satisfaction, job involvement and organizational commitment

(4) Job satisfaction, job enlargement and organizational behaviour

(5) None of these

Q.2. Successful managers are:

(1) Efficient & effective

(2) Goal achievers

(3) Strict to employees

(4) Policy makers

(5) Profit planners

Q.3. Which of the following is an online recruitment method engaged in by a single employer or group of employers to attract a large number of applicants?

(1) Job fairs

(2) Recent grads

(3) Internship programs

(4) Recruiting sites

(5) Campus recruitment

Q.4. Which of the given statement reflects the Relationship between HRM & Management?

(1) Both are same

(2) Management is one aspect of HRM

(3) HRM is one aspect of Management

(4) No relationship exists

(5) They are same but little differences exists 

Q.5. Which of the following HR function is the basic element of recruitment?

(1) Attract the job applicants for the particular post

(2) Select the best one among all applicants

(3) Train the people as per organizational requirements

(4) Fire the non-performing employees

(5) None of these

Q.6. Entrepreneurs are said to perform the:

(1) Interpersonal role

(2) Informational role

(3) Supportive role

(4) Decisional role

(5) Functional role

Q.7. The intellectual & mechanical process used by an organization to transform inputs into outputs is termed as:

(1) Task

(2) People

(3) Structure

(4) Technology

(5) Production

Q.8. Which of the following approach emphasizes the effect of psychological & social factors on employees’ performance?

(1) Scientific approach

(2) Rational approach

(3) Human relations approach

(4) Systematic approach

(5) None of these

Q.9. Under which of the following authority, an HR manager took the decision to provide training to its employees regarding the operations of newly installed machine?

(1) Staff 

(2) Functional 

(3) Line 

(4) Implied

(5) Matrix

Q.10. Which one of the following is NOT the advantage of Workforce Diversity?

(1) Increased creativity and flexibility

(2) Decreased problem-solving skills

(3) Multiple perspectives

(4) Greater openness to new ideas

(5) All of the above


Q.1. (3) Q.2. (1)  Q.3. (4) Q.4. (3) Q.5. (1) Q.6. (4) Q.7. (4) Q.8. (3) Q.9. (2) Q.10. (2)

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