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Bankers Guru

Q.1. Which of these is a major dimension of HRM practices contributing to company competitiveness?

(1) Compensating human resources

(2) Acquiring and preparing human resources

(3) Managing the human resource environment

(4) All of the given options

(5) None of these

Q.2. In which of these steps, the HR manager attempts to ascertain the supply of and demand for various types of human resources?

(1) Forecasting

(2) Program implementation

(3) Evaluation

(4) Goal setting

(5) None of these

Q.3. Which of these is defined as any practice or activity carried on by the organization with the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees?

(1) A leading indicator analysis

(2) Recruitment

(3) Personnel policies

(4) Selection

(5) Development

Q.4. Playing the role of ____________ requires designing and delivering efficient and effective HR systems, processes, and practices.

(1) Administrative Agent

(2) Change Agent

(3) Strategic Partner

(4) Employee Advocate

(5) None of these

Q.5. Employee involvement requires extensive additional HRM activity in which of these areas?

(1) Training

(2) Benefits

(3) Labour negotiation

(4) Marketing

(5) Sales

Q.6. The people who perform tasks in a wide variety of human resource-related areas are called

(1) HR Executives 

(2) HR Generalists

(3) HR Specialist 

(4) All of the given options

(5) None of these

Q.7. Who developed the concept that tension between worker’s ‘logic of sentiment’ and manager’s ‘logic of cost and efficiency’ could lead to conflict within the organization?

(1) Herbert Simon

(2) Chester Barnard

(3) Fredrick W. Taylor

(4) Elton Mayo

(5) Keynes

Q.8. The method that uses the organizations current level of employment as the starting point for determining future staffing needs is _______

(1) Zero Based Forecasting

(2) Bottom-Up Approach

(3) Forecasting Human Resource Availability

(4) Human relation approach

(5) None of the given options

Q.9. What tactic will employers likely have to take to fill openings left by retiring employees?

(1) Instituting flexible work hours

(2) Providing elder care

(3) Hiring more women

(4) Rehiring retirees

(5) Recommendation

Q.10. Who was the pioneer of Hawthorne studies?

(1) Fredrick Taylor

(2) Elton Mayo

(3) Fred Luthans

(4) Henry Mintzberg

(5) None of these


Q.1. (3) Q.2. (1) Q.3. (2) Q.4. (3) Q.5. (4) Q.6. (4) Q.7. (1) Q.8. (3) Q.9. (4) Q.10. (2)

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