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IBPS - SO - HR - QUIZ : 07.01.2016

Bankers Guru

Q.1.'Job specification' is said to be an outcome of which of the given term?

(1) Job analysis

(2) Job title

(3) Job evaluation

(4) Job worth

(5) Job enlargement

Q.2.Jobs are compensated on the basis of:

(1) Job analysis

(2) Job specification

(3) Job worth

(4) Job description

(5) Job title

Q.3. Technically HRIS is a/an:

(1) System software

(2) System hardware

(3) Database system

(4) Operating system

(5) Relational DBMS

Q.4. HRIS is used to facilitate the decisions related to:

(1) Overall organization

(2) Employment planning

(3) Sales forecasting

(4) Resource allocation

(5) Profit planning

Q.5. As a result of which of the following activity, HRIS is gaining popularity day by day?

(1) Generating organizational reports

(2) Managing resources effectively

(3) Retrieving timely information

(4) Handling bundles of data

(5) Planning the appropriate profit

Q.6. HR department maintains _______________ records.

(1) Employee

(2) Sales

(3) Production

(4) Inventory

(5) Cost

Q.7. Why organizational goals should be measurable?

(1) Ensure goal ambiguity

(2) Ensure goal attainment

(3) Put high effort

(4) Encourage employee participation

(5) None of these

Q.8. _______ is the main source of innovations.

(1) Upgraded technology

(2) Human mind

(3) Competitors' pressure

(4) Research & Development

(5) Customer feedback

Q.9. Who is responsible to take corrective actions in response to unforeseen problems?

(1) Liaison

(2) Disturbance-handler

(3) Figurehead

(4) Spokesperson

(5) Manager

Q.10. Which of the following role a manager performs as a Resource allocator?

(1) Interpersonal role

(2) Decisional role

(3) Informational role

(4) Supportive role

(5) None of these


Q.1. (1)

Q.2. (1) 

Q.3. (1) 

Q.4. (2) 

Q.5. (1) 

Q.6. (1) 

Q.7. (2) 

Q.8. (2) 

Q.9. (2) 

Q.10. (2)

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