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IBPS - SO - HR - QUIZ : 19.01.2016

Bankers Guru

Q.1. What comes prior to environmental scanning of an organization?

(1) Determining organizational mission

(2) Monitoring the action plans

(3) Developing budgets for plans

(4) Selection of employees

(5) None of the given options

Q.2. What measure should be needed to ensure effective recruitment?

(1) Keep pool of large size to get best out of it

(2) Address personnel needs of applicants

(3) Meet economies of scale for an organization

(4) Clearly understand organizational goals

(5) None of these

Q.3. "Effectiveness" is represented by:

(1) Doing things before time

(2) Doing right things right

(3) Doing things in minimum time

(4) Doing things with minimum resources

(5) Doing things in right budget

Q.4. Which of the following defines the levels of authority to perform the assigned tasks?

(1) Labour union

(2) Competitor's threat

(3) Organizational structure

(4) Pressure group

(5) Employer’s pressure

Q.5. The actions of people at work place are studied under which of the following discipline?

(1) Psychology

(2) Organizational behaviour

(3) Sociology

(4) Anthropology

(5) None of these

Q.6. Job specification is a statement that represents:

(1) Required skills

(2) Specific qualification

(3) Personality traits

(4) All of the given options

(5) None of these

Q.7. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a flat organization structure?

(1) Wide span of control

(2) Fewer hierarchical levels

(3) More people under the control of one manager

(4) Close supervision

(5) None of these

Q.8. The right to give orders and the power to exact obedience from others int he process of discharging the responsibility is termed as -

(1) Authority

(2) Accountability

(3) Responsibility

(4) Adaptability

(5) Reliability

Q.9. Which of the following is served as criteria for declaring a particular job as worth-full?

(1) Physical motion

(2) Significance of task

(3) Mental stress

(4) Long working hours

(5) Its Value for organization

Q.10. The thorough & detailed study regarding jobs within an organization is termed as:

(1) Job analysis

(2) Job description

(3) Job specification

(4) Job evaluation

(5) None of these


Q.1. (1) Q.2. (1) Q.3. (2) Q.4. (3) Q.5. (2) Q.6. (4) Q.7. (4) Q.8. (1) Q.9. (2) Q.10. (1)

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