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IBPS - SO -IT -QUIZ : 22.01.2016

Bankers Guru
Q.1. Transistors are an improvement over vacuum tubes because transistors _______

(1) are smaller

(2) generate more heat

(3) don't require silicon

(4) can represent more than two values

(5) None of these

Q.2. Which of the following is NOT found on an integrated circuit?

(1) Diodes

(2) Motherboard

(3) Capacitors

(4) Transistors

(5) None of these

Q.3. The binary number 101010 translates into the decimal number:

(1) 42

(2) 256

(3) 101,010

(4) 65,536

(5) 44

Q.4. Which of the following statements is NOT true about binary numbers?

(1) Binary numbers are used to represent all data stored in a computer.

(2) Binary numbers use the base 2 number system.

(3) Base 10 numbers can be converted to binary numbers by multiplying each digit by 2.

(4) Binary number conversion can be done using a scientific calculator.

(5) None of these

Q.5. The hexadecimal number system _____.

(1) is used to indicate negative numbers

(2) determines how fractions are displayed

(3) is represented by 32 bits

(4) uses both numbers and letters

(5) None of these

Q.6. ASCII is a(n) ______.

(1) numbering system for representing numbers with decimals.

(2) character representation standard common in older mainframe computers.

(3) encoding standard used to represent letters and characters.

(4) symbolic programming language that directly represents machine instructions.

(5) None of these

Q.7. Motorola is well known for making chips for ____________ computers.

(1) Dell

(2) Apple

(3) IBM notebook

(4) Mainframe

(5) None of these

Q.8. The CPU is located on the ________.

(1) primary transistor

(2) universal bus

(3) AMD slot

(4) Motherboard

(5) None of these

Q.9. The purpose of cache is to ________.

(1) store data that will be moved from one computer to another.

(2) hold frequently used instructions and data to speed processing.

(3) permanently store data that is retained when the computer is turned off.

(4) temporarily hold data as it is about to be sent through the ALU for execution.

(5) None of these

Q.10. Which of the following statements about the CPU is FALSE?

(1) The machine cycle is a repetitive set of steps performed by the CPU.

(2) The CPU clock cycle determines how quickly the computer accomplishes a process.

(3) The complexity of the CPU design permits unlimited storage space.

(4) The CPU's control unit remembers the proper sequence for the processing stages.

(5) None of these

Q.1. (1)Transistors are an improvement over vacuum tubes because transistors are smaller

Q.2.(2) Motherboard is NOT found on an integrated circuit

Q.3.(1)The binary number 101010 translates into the decimal number 42

Q.4.(3) Base 10 numbers can be converted to binary numbers by multiplying each digit by 2

Q.5. (4) The hexadecimal number system uses both numbers and letters

Q.6. (3) ASCII is a encoding standard used to represent letters and characters

Q.7.(2) Motorola is well known for making chips for apple computers

Q.8.(4) The CPU is located on the Motherboard

Q.9. (2) The purpose of cache is to hold frequently used instructions and data to speed processing

Q.10.(3) The complexity of the CPU design permits unlimited storage space

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