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IBPS - SO - LAW - QUIZ : 02.01.2016

Bankers Guru

Q.1.  Who said "Law is not a set of rules, but is a method or technique for harmonizing conflicting social interests".

(1) Thering             

(2) Benthans        

(3) Roscoe Pound     

(4) Ehrlich        

(5) Finnis

Ans: (3)

Q.2.   "Law is a product of social life and is not created by arbitrary will of individual but by slow unavoidable advancement of human development". This statement belongs to:
(1) Analytical School                         

(2) Historical School                       
(3) Sociological School                    

(4) Philosophical School
(5) None of these

Ans: (2)

Q.3.   Right in rem is right against which one of the following:
(1) Police brutallity                           

(2) An individual                              
(3) Everyone                                     

(4) Government    
(5) Other than these options

Ans: (3)

Q.4.   Positive law is called positive, because it is:
           (1) Made as a result of divine provindence              (2) Made as a result of collective effort    
           (3) Made by a person in authority                            (4) Followed by everybody
           (5) Customory from time immemorial

Ans: (3)

Q.5.   According to one of the theories of punishment, evil should be returned by 'evil'. This theory is known as the:
(1) Deterrent theory                           

(2) Retributive theory                      
(3) Preventive theory                         

(4) Reformative theory
(5) Punitive theory

Ans: (2)

Q.6.   Match List I with List II, and select the correct answer from the codes given below the lists :
           List-I                     List-II
           (A) Fuller               (1) Status tocontract
           (B) Benthans          (2) Social solidarity
           (C) Maine               (3) Inner morality
           (D) Dugnit              (4) Utlitarianism
           Code :
                  A                    B                        C                         D
           (1)   4                    3                         2                          1
           (2)   3                    4                         2                          1
           (3)   4                    3                         1                          2
           (4)   3                    4                         1                          2
           (5)   4                    1                        2                           3

Ans: (4)

Q.7.   The true is right reason. Reason in agreement with nature was propoagated by :
(1) Salmond           (2) Grotius           (3) Hart                 (4) Cicero            (5) Austin


Q.8.   Who said "Right spring from right"?
(1) Austin               (2) Salmond         (3) Hart                 (4) Allen               (5) Cicero


Q.9.   Match List I with List II and select correct using the code given below the lists:
                  List-I                                         List-II
           (A) Savingy                                      (1) Evolutionary Concept of History
           (B) Hegel                                         (2) Evolution of Laissez faire
           (C) Herbert spencer                          (3) Status to contract
           (D) Henry Maine                                (4) Reflection of sprit of people in legal system
                  A                    B                        C                         D
           (1)   3                    2                         1                          4
           (2)  4                     1                         2                          3
           (3) 3 1                    2                         4
           (4) 4 2                    1                         3
           (5) 4 3                    2                         1

Ans: (4)

Q.10.   Eugin Ehrlich is a well known Jurist of sociological school of Jurisprudence. Which one of the following statements may not be attributed to the theory propunded by him?
(1) Law is derived from social facts
(2) Law depends on social compulsion
(3) There is a 'living law' underlying the formal rule of the gegal system
(4) State law has signigicant influence on shaping and development of living law.
(5) Other than these options

Ans: (4)

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