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IBPS - SO - LAW - QUIZ : 11.01.2016

Bankers Guru

Q.1. The basis of principle underlying section 94 of IPC is the maxim:

(1) Violenti non fit injuria 

(2) Non compos mentis

(3) Ignorantia facti excuast

(4) Actus me invite factus est mens actus

(5) Other than these options

Ans: (4)

Q.2. In which one of the following case, the Supreme Court of India has held that section 303 of IPC is ultra-vires of the constitution of India?

(1) R v Govinda (2) Bachan Singh v State of Pubjab

(3) Macchi Singh v State of Punjab

(4) Mithu Singh v State of Punjab

(5) Rupan Deol Bajaj Vs K. P. S. Gill

Ans: (3)

Q.3. Section 124-A defines 'Sedition'' it was inserted in the Indian Penal code by:

(1) Act XIX of 1898 (2) Act XXVII of 1870 

(3) Act XXI of 1875 (4) Act IX of 1855

(5) Act XXII of 1881

Ans: (2)

Q.4. In which one of the following cases, the Supreme Court of India has held that death sentence is not violative of Articles, 14, 19 and 21 of the Consitution of India?

(1) Jamohan Singh V State of U.P.

(2) Swaran Singh V State of U.P.

(3) Kehar Singh V Union of India

(4) Gyan Kaur V State of Punjab

(5) Tamil NaduV Suhas Katti

Ans: (1)

Q.5. Point out false statement:

(1) Attempt to commit offence is always punishable.

(2) Preparation to commit an offence is punishable in exceptional cases

(3) Corporations may not be held liable for an offence

(4) To commit crime, there must be a nexux between mean rea and actus-rues.

(5) All are true

Ans: (3)

Q.6. Director Public Prosecution v Bread is a leading case on which one of the following ?

(1) Unsound ness of mind (2) Accident (3) Intoxication (4) Infancy (5) Lunacy

Ans: (3)

Q.7. In which of the following cases the Supreme Court of India explained the distinction between section 299. (Culpable homicide) and section 300 (nurder) of the Indian Penal Code?

(1) Andhra Pradesh v R.R.Punnayya

(2) P.Rathinam v Union of India

(3) Nanakchand v State of Punjab

(4) basudev v State of PEPSU

(5) Visakha Vs State of Rajasthan

Ans: (1)

Q.8. The principle of criminal liability actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea-was developed by:

(1) Courts of Star Chamber (2) Courts of Exchequer

(3) Common Law Courts (4) Privy council

(5) House of lords

Ans: (3)

Q.9. According to 'MC' naughten Rule,' legal insanity is quite different from medical insanity. It relates to the:

(1) Total loss of conative faculties

(2) Total loss of cognitive faculties

(3) Congenital insanity

(4) All of the above

(5) Other than these options

Ans: (2)

Q.10. A distinction has been well explained by the Supreme Court in Nanakchand v State of Punjab relating to which one of the following sections of the Indian Penal code?

(1) Between Section 34 and Section 149

(2) Between Section 361 and Section 362

(3) Between Section 350 and Section 351

(4) Between Section 378 and Section 383

(5) Between Section 86 and Section 142

Ans: (1)

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