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IBPS - SO - LAW - QUIZ : 13.01.2016

Bankers Guru

Q.1. Wild Life (Protection), Act, 1972 was passed under :

(1) Article 253 (2) Article 249 

(3) Article 248 (4) Article 252

(5) Article 256

Q.2. United Nations Conference on Environment 1992 was focused on :

(1) Human Rights (2) Povery 

(3) Development (4) Population

(5) Disease

Q.3. Central Pollution Control Board comprises:

(1) Chairman and 13 members (2) Chairman and 16 members

(3) Chairman and 17 members (4) Chairman and 11 members

(5) Chairman and 14 members

Q.4. Following is the first, case pertaining to environmental protection before the Supreme Court:

(1) Ratlam Municipality case (2) Kanpur Tanneries case 

(3) Doon valley case (4) Vellore citizen case

(5) Union Carbide case

Q.5. In case of inconsistent laboratory report on sample collected an industry:

(1) Report of the Pollution Control Board lab shall be accepted by the court

(2) Report of the Government's shall be accepted by the court

(3) Sample shall be sent to the Central Government's lab for examination

(4) Court shall exercise it discretion on merit.

(5) Other than these options

Q.6. Word "abatement" is found in preamble to the:

(1) Water (prevention and Control of Pollution) Act

(2) Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 

(3) Environment (Protection) Act

(4) All of the above

(5) Other than these options

Q.7. Which of the following Acts has knick name "umbrella legislation".

(1) National Green Tribunal Act (2) Biodiversity Act

(3) Environment (Protection) Act (4) Forest Conservation Act

(5) Wildlife (Conservation and Protection) Act

Q.8. On the application for sonsent under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act if the application is not given or refused, within the prescribed period by the Board, the consent is deemed to have been given. The prescribed period is:

(1) 4 month (2) 3 month (3) 5 month (4) 6 month (5) Not fixed

Q.9. In which of the following cases Supreme Coourt first time observed on the importance of Articles 48A and 51 A(g):

(1) Virendra Gaur v State of Haryana 

(2) Sachidanand Pandey v state of West Bengal 

(3) Consumer Education and Research Centre v Union of India

(4) M.C. Mehta v Union of India (Ganga Pollution Municipalities case)

(5) K. M. Nanavati v. State of Maharashtra

Q.10. Air pollution control area may be declared by the:

(1) Central Government 

(2) State Government in consultation with the state pollution control board.

(3) State Pollution Control Board in consultation with the state government

(4) Central Pollution Control Board

(5) National Green Tribunal 


1. (4) 

2. (3) 

3. (2) 

4. (3) 

5. (2) 

6. (2) 

7. (3) 

8. (1) 

9. (2) 

10. (2)

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