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IBPS - SO - LAW - QUIZ : 15.01.2016

Bankers Guru
Q.1. Each member of the Security Council shall have:

(1) One representive (2) Five Representatives

(3) Four representives (4) Two representives

(5) Three representatives

Q.2. Which of the following cases supports the declaratory theory of recognition:

(1) Tinoco Arbitration (2) Luther v Sagor

(3) Filartiga v Pena-Irala (4) US Diplomatic and counslar staff in Tehran case

(5) Jurisdictional Immunities of the State

Q.3. Which of the following crime is not reffered to by the staute of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rawanda:

(1) Crimes against Humanity (2) War crimes

(3) Piracy Jure gentium (4) Genocide

(5) Aerial Incident of 10 August 1999

Q.4. International Criminal Court has its seat in:

(1) London (2) Rome (3) New York (4) The Hague (5) Berlin

Q.5. Human Rights Committee consists of:

(1) 21 members (2) 24 members (3) 18 members (4) 54 members (5) 15 members

Q.6. Which of the following states does not edmit the propriety of the passive Nationality principle of Jurisdiction ?

(1) United States of America (2) Italy 

(3) Mexico (4) Turkey 

(5) United Kingdom

Q.7. In whichg case it was held that the flag state has no exclusive criminal jurisdiction is cases of collision in high seas?

(1) Paqueete Habana & Lola (2) Arantzazu Mendi

(3) Corfu Channel case (4) S.S. Lotus case

(5) North Sea Continental Shelf case

Q.8. What is the maximum limit of Territorial sea under law of sea convention 1982:

(1) 3 nautical miles (2) 6 anutical miles 

(3) 12 nautical miles (4) 20 nautical miles

(5) 32 nautical miles

Q.9. Haya Dela Torre case is concerned with:

(1) Asylum in Foreign Embassies

(2) Asylum in Foreign ship 

(3) Asylum in U.N. Mission in a state 

(4) Asylum in U.N. Head quarter.

(5) Asylum (Colombia/Peru)

Q.10. Which article of the Indian Constitution lays down the general obligation of India to world?

(1) Article 37 (2) Article 41 (3) Article 51 (4) Article 52 (5) Article 47


1. (1)

2. (1)

3. (3)

4. (4)

5. (3)

6. (1)

7. (4)

8. (3)

9. (1)

10. (3)

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