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IBPS - SO - LAW - QUIZ : 16.01.2016

Bankers Guru
Q.1. Fact includes any mental condition of which any person is conscious.

(1) The aforesaid statement is wrong

(2) The aforesaid statement is correct

(3) The aforesaid statement applies only in criminal cases.

(4) The aforesaid statement applies only to prove unsoundness of mind.

(5) The aforesaid statement applies only to prove diceased status of the person 

Q.2. Indian Evidence Act applies to:

(1) All judicial proceddings in or before any court, including courts martial.

(2) All judicial proceedings in or before any court excluding all courts-martial

(3) All judicial proceedings in or before any Court including proceeding before Tribunal.

(4) All judicial proceedings in or before any court including proceeding before an arbitrator.

(5) Other than these options

Q.3. 'A' is tried for murder of 'B' by intentionally shooting him dead.

The fact that 'A' was in the habit of shooting at people with intent to murder them is:

(1) relevant fact and admissible in evidence

(2) irrelevant

(3) irrelevant fact but admissible in evidence

(4) relevant fact but inadmissible in evidence.

(5) Other than these options

Q.4. Presumptions as to documents thirty year old are:

(1) Discretionary (2) Obligatory (3) Neither discretionary nor obligatory

(4) Conclusive Proof (5) Decisive

Q.5. The question is, whether a horse sold by A to B is sound. A says to B 'go and ask C' C know all about it'. C's statement is:

(1) Irrelevant (2) Hearsay (3) admission 

(4) Extra-judicial confession (5) Other than these options

Q.6. It is said that Quran is at Furqan. It shows:

(1) Truth from falsehood 

(2) Right from wrong

(3) Truth from falsehood and right from wrong

(4) Either (1) or (2)

(5) Other than these options

Q.7. A muslim who renounces Islam and goes out of the ambit of muslim law. It is known as:

(1) Conversion (2) Apostasy 

(3) Transformation (4) Exemplification

(5) Escapegoat

Q.8. A marriage by a muslim male at the same time by two sisters is:

(1) Valid (Sahi hai) (2) Void (Batil) (3) Irregular (Fasid) 

(4) Invalid (Galat hai) (5) Other than these options

Q.9. The subject of will must exists:

(1) When the will is made

(2) When the will becomes operative

(3) At the time of the legator's death

(4) both (2) and (3)

(5) Other than these options

Q.10. Three demands i.e. first demand (Talb-e-mowasibat); second demand (Ralab-e-Eshad) and third demand (Talab-e-tamlik) deals with law of:

(1) Maintenance (2) Pre-emption (3) Wills (4) Inheritance (5) Transfer


1. (2)

2. (1)

3. (2)

4. (1)

5. (3)

6. (3)

7. (2)

8. (3)

9. (4)

10. (2)

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