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IBPS - SO -IT -QUIZ : 23.01.2016

Bankers Guru
Q.1. Obligations under quasi contract-

(1) are based on the Principle of equity, trusrs and relief

(2) principle of natural justice and equity;

(3) principle of just and reasonable solution;

(4) principle of proxima causa

(5) principle of uberrima fide

Q.2. Hadley V. Baxendale is a leading case on-

(1) Anticipatory breach

(2) Breach of Implied terms;

(3) Remoteness of damages

(4) Closeness to the event

(5) Compensation of damage for carelessness

Q.3. Indian Evidence Act applies to proceedings:-

(1) Before Tribunals

(2) Before arbitrator;

(3) Before judicial pioceedings in courts

(4) Both (1) and (2)

(5) Both (1) and (3) 

Q.4. Under Evidence Act fact means:

(1) Factum probandum

(2) Factum probans

(3) Both (1) and (2)

(4) Factum alturus

(5) Factun dictus

Q.5. Relevancy is a quesrion of:

(1) Law and can be raised at any time

(2) Law but must be raised during opportunity

(3) Law which can be waived

(4) Both (2) and (3)

(5) Other than these options

Q.6. Admissions -

(1) Are Conclusive proof of the matter admitted 

(2) Are not conclusive proof of the matter admitted but operate as estoppels 

(3) Are concrusive proof of the matter and also operate as estoppels 

(4) Both (1) and (3)

(5) Other than these options

Q.7. A persons whose statement is admitted u/s 32 of the Act-

(1) Must be competent to testify

(2) Need not be be competent to testify

(3) May or may not be competent to testify

(4) Both (1) and (2)

(5) Both (2) and (3)

Q.8. In criminal trials, onus is on the accused to prove that his case falls in-

(1) Any of the general exception,

(2) Any of the special exceptions

(3) Any of the proviso to any provision

(4) All of rhe above

(5) Other than these options

Q.9. Estoppels are binding-

(1) Unon litigating parties

(2) Upon privies of parties

(3) Upon strangers to the lis

(4) Both (1) and (2) only

(5) Other than these options

Q.10. Testimony of a child witness-

(1) Can be rejected outright;

(2) Must be accepted;

(3) Not to be rejected outright but to be scrutinized with great care

(4) Both (1) and (3)

(5) Both (2) and (3)


Q.1. (2)

Q.2. (3)

Q.3. (3)

Q.4. (3)

Q.5. (1)

Q.6. (2)

Q.7. (3)

Q.8. (4)

Q.9. (4)

Q.10. (3)

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