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IBPS - SO - LAW - QUIZ : 05.01.2016

Bankers Guru
IBPS - SO - LAW - QUIZ : 05.01.2016
Q.1. The following Article prohibits discrimination but permits classification:

(1) Article 15(4)

(2) Article 16 (4) 

(3) Article 14

(4) Article 29

(5) Article 24 (3)

Ans: (3)

Q.2. Following is the example of conversion of state's obligation into fundamental right:

(1) Providing education to the child

(2) Providing mid day meal

(3) Improving environmental condition

(4) Securing social order

(5) Providing Information to Public

Ans: (1)

Q.3. Which of the following is true:

(1) Article 31-B and Schedule IX provides absolute immunity to the Acts included therein

(2) Article 31-B and Schedule IX does not provide absolute immunity to the Acts included therein

(3) Article 31-B and Schedule IX provides immunity to the Acts included therein to the extent it does not abrogate the basicfeature doctrine

(4) Article 31-B and Schedule IX is not a matter of constitutaional adjudication

(5) Other than these options

Ans: (3)

Q.4. British rule in India came to end by the :

(1) Government of India Act, 1919

(2) Government of India Act, 1935

(3) Indian Independence Act, 1947 

(4) Indian Independence Act, 1942

(5) Government of India Act, 1945

Ans: (3)

Q.5. Directive Principles of State Policy is not enforceable because of:

(1) Being State's obligation (2) Article 37 

(3) Judicial Interpretation (4) their inherent nature

(5) they are to be followed by the government

Ans: (2)

Q.6. The following is protected under Article 25 of the constitution:

(1) Not to sing national anthem in pursuant to religious belief

(2) Use of amplifier for religious practices

(3) Tandava dance in public by certain community

(4) Acquiring land for worship

(5) Both (1) and (3)

Ans: (2)

Q.7. Article 29 of the Constitution protects:

(1) Rights of minorities based on religion

(2) Rights of persons having distinct culture

(3) Rights of linguistic minorities to establish educational institution

(4) Rights of citizens having distinct culture, language and script to conserve it.

(5) Rights of minorities to preach and propagate their own religion 

Ans: (4)

Q.8. Emergency may be proclaimed by the president on the ground except, of:

(1) War 

(2) External aggression 

(3) Armed rebellion

(4) Failure of constitutional machinery in the State

(5) Internal disturbances

Ans: (4)

Q.9. Following has the constitutional status:

(1) National Human Rights Commission

(2) National Women Commission

(3) National Commission for Scheduled Castes

(4) Press Council of India

(5) National Child Rights Commission

Ans: (3)

Q.10. Basic feature doctrine was laid down in the following case:

(1) Shankari Prasad case 
(2) Golaknath Case

(3) Keshavanand Bharti case 
(4) Indira Nehru Gandhi case

(5) Minerva Mill case

Ans: (3)

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