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IBPS - SO - LAW - QUIZ : 09.01.2016

Bankers Guru

Q.1. An agreement made by a minor is:

(1) Void

(2) Void-ab-initio

(3) Viodable

(4) Legal

(5) A Contract

Ans: (2)

Q.2. Contract made by a lunatic person during lucid interval is:

(1) Invallid (2) Valid (3) void-ab-initio (4) Voidable (5) Other than these options

Ans: (2)

Q.3. An agreement between two persons to gain or loss prize money on the result of a cricket match is:

(1) Enforceable in law (2) Not inforceable in law (3) Void (4) Voidable (5) Legally acceptable

Ans: (3)

Q.4. A contract may be discharged by:

(1) Performance (2) Waiver (3) Operation of law (4) Penalty (5) Prosecution

Ans: (3)

Q.5. In a contract of guarantee how many number of contracts are implied there in between the parties:

(1) One (2) Two (3) Three (4) Four (5) Five

Ans: (3)

Q.6. In a gratuitous bailment:

(1) The lender of things may require its return on completion of time

(2) The lender of things may at any time require its return

(3) The lender of things may require its return on fulfillment of object.

(4) The lender of things may require its return with proof of ownership

(5) The lender of things may require its return in a court of law

Ans: (2)

Q.7. The finder of a lost goods has right:

(1) To Retain the goods against the owner until he recives compensation 

(2) Where there is any offer for reward for lost good, the finder may cliam for such reward.

(3) When the thing is perishable item, he may sell it.

(4) All of the above

(5) Other than these options

Ans: (4)

Q.8. In a pledge the pawnce:

(1) Cannot retain the goods if partial payment of debt is made

(2) Can retain the goods till his discretion

(3) Retain the goods pledged till payment of debt.

(4) Retain the goodfs pledged for payment of debt along with expenses and interst.

(5) Both (2) and (3)

Ans: (4)

Q.9. The loss sustained in a breach of contract is remedied by payment of:

(1) Nominal damage

(2) Exemplary damage

(3) Extra-ordinary damage

(4) Liquidated damage

(5) Compensatory damage

Ans: (4)

Q.10. A supplies B, a lunatic, with necessities suitable to his condition in life:

(1) A is not entitled to get reimbursement from B's property.

(2) A is entitled to be reimbursed from B's property

(3) A is entitled to be reimbursed from B's relatives propery.

(4) A is entitled to get share from the earnings of B's property.

(5) A is entitled to use B's property as a source of his income.

Ans: (2)

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