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IBPS - SO - MARKETING - QUIZ : 02.01.2016

Bankers Guru

Q.1. Bank uses which of the following service channels?

(1) Provider- Ultimate consumer 

(2) Provider- Agent- Ultimate consumer

(3) Provider- Wholesaler- Consumer 

(4) Provider- Wholesaler - Retailer- Consumer

(5) Producer- Retailer- Consumer

Ans.1. (1) Provider- Ultimate consumer

Q.2. In PLC, from which stage company earns maximum profit?

(1) Growth 

(2) Peak 

(3) Diminishing 

(4) Initial (5) 1 and 2

Ans.2.(2) Peak 

Q.3. Branding comes under --

(1) Promotion mix 

(2) Product mix 

(3) Place mix

(4) Price mix 

(5) Advertising mix

Ans.3.(2) Product mix

Q.4. First step in target market is--

(1) Segmentation 

(2) Targeting strategies 

(3) Planning

(4) Production 

(5) Distribution

Ans.4.(1) Segmentation

Q.5. Marketing scope includes_________

(1) Services 

(2) Places 

(3) Events 

(4) Goods 

(5) All of these

Ans.5.(5) All of these

Q.6. Rapid penetration strategy consists of launching of product at a ____________ price and spending ____________on promotion

(1) low, heavily 

(2) low, low 

(3) high, heavily 

(4) high, low 

(5) None of these

Ans.6. (1) Low, heavily 

Q.7. Assume that the market is large; highly aware of a new product; price sensitive and there is some

potential competition. The best strategy will be:

(1) Rapid skimming 

(2) Slow skimming

(3) Rapid penetration 

(4) Slow penetration

(5) 1 and 2

Ans.7.(4) Slow penetration

Q.8. Best stage to introduce new product is-

(1) Introduction 

(2) Growth 

(3) Maturity 

(4) Decline 

(5) None of these

Ans.8.(3) Maturity

Q.9. Generally, the longest stage in product life cycle is .......stage.

(1) Introduction 

(2) Growth 

(3) Maturity 

(4) Decline 

(5) None of these

Ans.9.(3) Maturity

Q.10. Most products are in the....stage of product life cycle.

(1) Maturity 

(2) Decline 

(3) Introduction 

(4) Growth 

(5) None of these

Ans.10. (1) Maturity

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