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IBPS - SO - MARKETING - QUIZ : 21.01.2016

Bankers Guru
Q.1. What is the most fundamental determinant of person’s want and behaviour called?

(1) Culture 

(2) Sub culture 

(3) Social class

(4) Only 1 and 2 

(5) All 1,2 and 3

Q.2. Which of the following can be measured?

(1) Advice 

(2) Class

(3) Methods of Marketing 

(4) Income

(5) Life Style

Q.3. Which of the following is Buyer-behaviour segmentation?

(1) Buying opportunities 

(2) Profit-desire 

(3) Brand Loyalty

(4) All of these 

(5) 2 and 3

Q.4. Who is the Chief Justice of India at present?

(1) T.S. Thakur

(2) M.V. Sinha

(3) T. Singh

(4) Neelam Sinha

(5) Rahil Khan

Q.5. Which of the following is a medium of Marketing Communication?

(1) Marketing Research 

(2) Publicity 

(3) Sales Promotion

(4) Advertisement 

(5) Production

Q.6. What is/are essential (s) for marketing?

(1) Buyer and seller 

(2) Valuable product and good services

(3) Acceptance 

(4) Market

(5) All of these

Q.7. Which is included in International Trade?

(1) Sales 

(2) Advertisement

(3) Information of market 

(4) Development of Knowledge

(5) Import

Q.8. Which one is wrong in the following statements?

(1) The seller should understand the psychology of the consumer, is an essential element of a

successful sale.

(2) Selling is a mental process

(3) Selling is performed in the mind of consumer, not in the shop

(4) Articles are sold on merits, not on price

(5) All of these

Q.9. BEP stands for—

(1) Basis product evaluation 

(2) Break-Even Point

(3) Basis of Product 

(4) Exception of Business

(5) All of these

Q.10. Which is/are the factor (s) of Retail marketing?

(1) Selling of products to consumer 

(2) Estimating Demand

(3) Credit Selling 

(4) 2 and 3

(5) All of these


Q.1.(1) Culture

Q.2.(4) Income

Q.3.(4) All of these

Q.4. (1) T.S. Thakur

Q.5.(4) Advertisement

Q.6.(5) All of these

Q.7.(5) Import

Q.8.(2) Selling is a mental process

Q.9. (2) Break-Even Point

Q.10.(5) All of these

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