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IBPS - SO - MARKETING : 04.01.2016

Bankers Guru

Q.1. Managers try to stimulate sales by modifying product characteristics at maturity stage. This is

done through_______

(1) Quality improvement 

(2) Feature improvement

(3) Style improvement 

(4) All of these

(5) None of these

Ans.1. (5)  None of these

 Style improvement aims at increasing the......of the product.

(1) aesthetic appeal 

(2) size 

(3) accessories

(4) durability 

(5) profit

Ans.2. (1) aesthetic appeal

 During the market emergence stage, it is better for small firms to pursue a ....... strategy.

(1) Single niche 

(2) Multiple niches 

(3) Mass marketing

(4) Micro marketing 

(5) Macro marketing

Ans.3. (1) Single niche

 Market leader who engages in such practices as introducing new products, reducing costs and

improving customer services is trying to ______________

(1) Improve quality of the product 

(2) Use pre-emptive defense

(3) Defend market charges 

(4) Use counter defense

(5) Increase customers

Ans.4. (3) Defend market charges

 A product is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy____________

(1) Will 

(2) Wants or needs 

(3) Desire

(4) Demand 

(5) None of these

Ans.5. (2) Wants or needs

 A group of diverse, but related items that function in a compatible manner is called__________

(1) Product style 

(2) Product mix

(3) Product system 

(4) Product variety

(5) Product stages

Ans.6. (3) Product system

 A Company’s product mix will have ________.

(1) Length 

(2) Width

(3) Depth and consistency 

(4) All of these

(5) None of these

Ans.7. (4) All of these

 Which of the following is a function of Marketing?

(1) Purchase 

(2) Sales 

(3) Storage

(4) Transport 

(5) All of the above

Ans.8. (5) All of the above

 Which of the following is secondary function of market?

(1) Production Policies 

(2) Standardizing and Grading

(3) Marketing Finance 

(4) Sales

(5) None of these

Ans.9. (3) Marketing Finance

. Which of the following is not a socioeconomic criterion for market segmentation?

(1) Brand loyalty 

(2) Age (3) Income

(4) Size of family 

(5) Sex differentiation

Ans.10. (1) Brand loyalty

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