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Interview Experience (CWE - PO- V) : Pooja Pal

Bankers Guru
Name - Pooja Pal

Venue - Ahemdabad

Time - 6.00 pm

Date - 22-01-2016

Eagerly waiting outside the magic door for my turn 

Panel-1: (3M, 1W)

As the bell rung, i entered the room and I was kept blank and stood beside the chair for 10 seconds (i was totally blank even forgot to wish, then it striked suddenly )

Me- a very good evening to sirs and mam (with a warm smile) 

All-greeted same with a smile. 

Offered to sit. I thanked them again. 

M2-so Pooja, you were doing job then why did you leave it? 

Ans-as I need financial& social security and quick promotions, which couldn't be satisfied through my job and I was preparing along with my job but couldn't able to make effective efforts. (Then they asked about my company in which I was in training period, asked what the company has been manufacturing & who are its customers? replied well, they're satisfied. 

M1-why didn't you opt for entrepreneurship? 

I was surprised that why did they asked this question to me being an engineering graduate?

Me-sir, yes definitely I can be, but I have not thought in this way regarding to my career. I have focused only on banking sectors to flourish my career. 

F1-have you applied for clerk also? 

Me-yes, mam. I have. 

F1-are you trying in insurance sectors or others too? 

Me-no, mam. In banking only.

M3-what are exim banks do? 


M3-then what's ECGC? 


M2-are they same? 

Me-no sir, exim facilities cross border trading business for both export and import. Where ECGC insured the trading business. 

F2-does it insures import too? 

Me-paused. And then said that I was not aware of it. 

F2-ecgc, as name suggests it insures export only. 

Me-nodded and thanked mam. 

M2-tell me about some schemes launched for woman? 

Me-told about mudra, sukanya samridhi yojana, stand up India (I was trying to recall but then I finished.)

M3-how mudra is different from other loan systems? 

Me-society's those sectors which are unable to avail loan systems in an easy way will be much supported by this scheme. (Then I elaborated some examples like garage worker, mechanics , saloon wala, small vendors etc)

M1-do you really think that still people are afraid of approaching banks to avail loan facilities? 

Me-yes sir, still rural area isn't served in the extended way.(Given some examples of labour workers)


M3-can you tell me under which law bank's day to day operations take place? 

Me-(hearing 'law' word i was again blank and thought that he might asking about some laws of income tax which are used in banking.

M2(in a supportive manner)-yes yes, try to recall, you have definitely read about this. 

Me-sorry sir, I am unable to recall this time.

M2-have you heard about banking regulation act?

Me-yes sir, exactly. Under banking regulation act, 1949 bank do functioning. 

M2-can you also tell me another act under which some of banking norms resides? 

Me -RBI Act, 1935.

M2-yes, but one other than this. 

Me-sorry sir, unable to recall.

M2-do you know negotiable instrument? 

Me-yes sir, exactly it is NI act, 1881.

M2-ok. (Smiled)

F1-tell about what's nbfc and bank? 


F1-can nbfc opens savings a/c? 

Me-yes mam, they can if rbi permits but with restricted limits i.e. 1lakh per person. 

F1-tell me about your family background. 


F1-is there any govt textile college in your city? 

Me-yes mam, told the college name. 

On hearing that my dad is working in income tax department,, 

M2(suddenly) -what's PAN? 

Me-PAN stands for permanent account number. It is the proof of identity whose records are being registered in income tax department. 

M2-yes, income tax department of India. 

I nodded accordingly. 

Ok, you can go now. Thank you Pooja. 

Me-thank you sir and thank you mam. (Stood out of chair) 

Me- have a good time, sir & mam. 

All-have a good time to you also. Good luck.

Me-thanked and left very silently. 

Panel was very humble in nature and too supportive. It made my day though I was hungry for the whole day. Overall had a good time. Hoping that it would be my first and last interview.

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