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Reasoning AbilityTest For LIC AAO-05-01-2016

Bankers Guru

Reasoning Ability Test For LIC AAO

Q.1-5. In each group of the questions below are four statements followed by two conclusions I and II. You have to take four given statements to be true even if they seen to be at variance from commonly know facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the four statements disregarding commonly know facts.

Give answer :-

(1) If only conclusion I follows. (2) If only conclusion II follows.

(3) If either conclusion I or II follows. (4) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.

(5) If both conclusion I and II follow.

Q.1. Statements : All staplers are printers Some printers are machine

All computers are machines All machines are equipment

Conclusions : (I) Some staplers are machine

(II) All those printers which are machines are also equipments 

Q.2. Statements : All staplers are printers

Some printers are machine

All computers are machines

All machines are equipment

Conclusions : (I) All computer are equipments

(II) No computer is a printer

Q.3. Statements : All tables are mirrors Some mirrors are chair

All chair are glasses No glass is bottle

Conclusions : (I) At least some tables are bottle

(II) Some mirror are tables

Q.4. Statements : All tables are mirrors Some mirrors are chair

All chair are glasses No glass is bottle

Conclusions : (I) It is a possiblity that some mirror are not bottle

(II) Some mirror are glass

Q.5. Statements : All chocolates are holders No holder is lamp

Some lamps are desks All desks are pens

Conclusions : (I) Some pens are holders

(II) Some pens are chocolates

Q.6-7. Each question below is followed by a statement and two arguments I and II. You have to decide which of the following arguments is a strong argument and which is a weak argument. In making decisions about important questions, it is desirable to be able to distinguish between strong arguments and weak arguments so for as they relate to the question. Strong arguments are those which are both important and directly related to the question. Weak arguments are those which are of minor importance and also may not be directly related to the question or may be related to a trivial aspect of the question.

Give answer 

(1) If only argument I is strong.

(2) If only argument II is strong

(3) If either I or II is strong. 

(4) If neither I nor II is strong.

(5) If both I and II are strong. 

Q.6. Statement: Should the admission to professional courses in India be given only a merit with out any concession to any particular group of students? 

Argument:(I) Yes, this will improve the quality of the professionals as they will be able to complete the courses successfully.

(II) No, this will keep a large number of socially and economically backward 

students out of the reach of the professional courses.

Q.7. Statement: Should the educated unemployed youth be paid,"unemployment allowance"                 by the government?

Argument: (I) Yes, it will provide them some monetary help to either seek employment or to kickstart some 'self employment' venture.

(II) No,it will dampen their urge to do something to earn their livelihood and this will promote idleness among the unemployed youth.

Q.8-12. An arrangement machine, when given a particular Input, rearranges it following a particular rule in each step. The following is the illustration of the input and the steps of arrangement :

Input : 24 cross 82 road 93 safe 13 jam halt 46

Step I: 93 24 82 road safe 13 jam halt 46 cross

Step II: 93 82 24 road safe 13 jam 46 halt cross

Step III: 93 82 46 24 road safe 13 jam halt cross

Step IV: 93 82 46 24 13 safe road jam halt cross

Step IV is the final step of this arrangement.

As per rules followed in above steps, give answers of the following questions.

Q.8. Input: fire 37 delight an 52 89 height 20 by 42 .

Which of the following would be the second step after the rearrangment of input?

(1) 89 52 fire 37 delight height 20 42 by an.

(2) 89 52 fire delight 37 height 20 42 by an.

(3) 89 52 fire 37 delight height 42 20 by an.

(4) 89 52 fire 37 delight height an 42 20 by.

(5) None of these

Q.9. In step IV,which of the following would be third word/number from right?

(1) fire (2) 20 (3) height

(4) delight (5) None of these

Q.10. How many steps are required to rearrange the above input?

(1) IV (2) V (3) VI

(4) VII (5) None of these

Q.11. Step III of an Input:95 52 xerox 47 road safe 19 40 by

What will definitely be the Input ?

(1) 52 xerox 95 47 road 19 safe by 40

(2) 52 xerox 95 47 road safe 40 by19

(3) 52 xerox 47 95 road safe 40 by19

(4) Cannot be determine

(5) None of these

Q.12. Step II of an Input:87 53 flight 37 delay hour 19 46 by an

Which of the following is the next step?

(1) 87 53 46 flight 37 hour 19 delay by an 

(2) 87 53 46 37 flight hour 19 delay by an 

(3) 87 53 46 flight hour 3719 delay by an 

(4) 87 53 46 flight 3719 hour delay by an

(5) None of these


Q.1.(2) Q.2.(1) Q.3.(2) Q.4.(5) Q.5.(4) Q.6.(5) 

Q.7.(5) Q.8.(1) Q.9.(4) Q.10.(2) Q.11.(4) Q.12.(1)

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