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Success Story : Aditya Jadhav (CWE- RRBs-IV)

Bankers Guru

Hello Bankers Guru, 


I won’t say it is a success story , I would rather use the word ‘inspirational’ story. Because I believe one just need an inspiration and then success is bound to come, sooner or later. So the story goes like this. I was a good student up till class 8. Everyone had expectations from me within the family. So during class 10 as expected I scored well, and more prolifically in Algebra I topped. So I was good in numerical part. My downfall started in my junior college days. I hardly studied and was so overconfident that I thought it was a cake walk. Little did I know that I was playing with danger. At the time when my class 12 board exams came I was in distress. When the results came I was shocked. I failed only in Maths. Yes friends you heard it right, I failed in only that subject which was suppose to be my armour. It was a terrible feeling. No one could believe it. Some thought it was a mistake, but only I was aware of my sins. I killed each and every expectation which my parents had from me. But bravo to my parents who bestowed faith in me and supported me. I opted for giving my entire exam again rather than just giving maths. I passed and was successful in getting admission for Bachelor in Biomedical Engineering which I eventually cleared without getting a drop. I was also selected in the campus interview for a Bangalore based company and worked for 2 years before resigning in February, 2015. I wanted some time to rethink about my career because though I was earning well in my job but the instability of the private sector was taking a toll over me. So it took me three months and finally when the SBI PO notification was out I decided that I have to do this and get a Govt job. So I started studying. I had the wisdom but lacked direction, I gave the prelims and got a mere 27 marks. That’s when my friend who is already working as a BANK PO suggested me to join Mahendra Academy which has recently started in NASHIK. So for two months I attended each and every lecture and eventually I got the direction. On an average I gave three online speed tests in a week. I came to know the importance of time allocation for different subjects. Subsequently I gained confidence and I cleared written tests of RRB OS1 and IBPS PO MAINS. On the eve of the first day of 2016, the news came. I was selected as a PO in MAHRASHTRA GRAMIN BANK. I was in tears and all the failures which I had seen very early in my life should be credited for this. I am hopeful for the selection for IBPS PO too.

But friends to summarize this long story, I would say I owe my success to that one particular failure. Let your failure become the driving force of your success.

Lastly I would like to thank my parents, and the entire faculty of Mahendras NASHIK,

All the best to all of you for the future exams.

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