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Vocabulary - 14.01.2016

Bankers Guru

1. ACQUIESCE (VERB): agree with some reluctance

Synonyms: comply, conform 

Antonyms: disagree, differ

Example Sentence:

So many wish to suppress this history, and it's good to see Coulter refusing to acquiesce.


Synonyms: comic, mock Antonyms: serious

Example Sentence:

The burlesque ritual which characterized the Feast of Fools throughout the middle ages was now at its height.

3. CAUTERIZE (VERB): disinfect by burning

Synonyms: singe, sear Antonyms: infected

Example Sentence:

Diabetics have a slightly sweeter skin, which changes the microbial fauna and makes it harder for them to cauterize wounds.


Synonyms: tattered, shoddy Antonyms: sophisticated, refined

Example Sentence:

The tatterdemalion group possesses no home but that of the daily grazing land of the flock.

5. IDEATE (VERB): contemplate

Synonyms: appreciate, speculate Antonyms: disregard, ignore

Example Sentence:

Joshua first ideated his vision of a water garden for his backyard after he went on a sightseeing tour of water fountains in Kansas City.

6. REMONSTRATE (VERB): argue against

Synonyms: blame, censure Antonyms: accept, agree

Example Sentence:

Even though the baller remonstrated along with the wicket-keeper, the umpire did not 

listen and stayed with his decision.

7. TENET (NOUN): belief, principle 

Synonyms: assumption, doctrine Antonyms: disbelief, doubt

Example Sentence:

Many people believe the tenet that parents should be responsible for the behaviors of their children.

8. CASUISTRY (NOUN): over general reasoning

Synonyms: deception, fallacy Antonyms: fact, surety

Example Sentence:

The responses were telling in their casuistry, their amorality, their evasiveness.

9. PROTRACT (VERB): extend, draw out

Synonyms: prolong, put off Antonyms: complete, finish.

Example Sentence:

The court case was so protracted that one of the judges died of old age.

10. PRIMP (VERB): beautify and dress nicely

Synonyms: groom, spruce Antonyms: mess up, uglify

Example Sentence:

I could tell that my sister was excited about her date because she took so long to primp.

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