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Computer Awareness : 20.02.2016

Bankers Guru

Q.1 ...... is the application of computer investigation and analysis techniques to gather evidence suitable for presentation in a court of law.             

1) CID

2) Cryptography

3) Steganography

4) Computer Forensics

5) Computer Technology

Q.2. Find the odd one out.

1) Scanner

2) Mouse

3) Keyboard

4) Printer

5) Barcode Reader

Q.3. Which of the following is not a logic gate?

1) AND

2) OR

3) NOT


5) both 3 and 4

Q.4. DSL is an example of a ...... connection

1) Broadband

2) Dialup

3) Both 1 and 2

4) Computer

5) None of these

Q.5. Which of the following is not a utility program?

1) File copying

2) Listing files

3) Sending files to printer

4) File conversion

5) None of these

Q.6. Which of the following is an audio input device?

1) Microphone

2) Webcam

3) MIDI keyboard

4) Only 1 & 2

5) Only 1 & 3

Q.7. The process of copying data from a memory location is called ________.

1. reading

2. writing

3. controlling

4. booting

5. storing

Q.8. A list of instructions used by a computer is called ________.

1. program

2. CPU

3. text

4. output

5. Software

Q.9. The CPU consists of _______.

1. input, output and processing

2. control unit, primary storage and secondary storage

3. Control unit; arithmetic logic unit and primary storage

4. input, processing and storage

5. output, processing, storage

Q.10. Which of the following is true about primary storage?

1. it is a part of the CPU

2. It allows very fast access to data

3. It is relatively more expensive

4. all of the above

5. None of these


Q.1. (4) Computer Forensics

Q.2. (4) Printer

Q.3. (4)

Q.4. (-1)

Q.5. (5)

Q.6. (5) Only 1 & 3

Q.7. (1) reading

Q.8. (1) program

Q.9. (3) Control unit; arithmetic logic unit and primary storage

Q.10. (4) all of the above

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