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Computer Awareness : 22.02.2016

Bankers Guru

Q.1. Which of the following is the most powerful type of the computer?

1. main frame

2. super conductor

3. micro computer

4. super computer

5. Embeded system

Q.2. What do you press to enter the current date in a cell?

1. CTRL +; (semicolon)

2. CTRL + SHIFT + :(colon) + shift + :(colon) >

3. CTRL + F10

4. CTRL + F11

5. CTRL + F12

Q.3. The computer device primarily used to provide hardcopy is the _________.

1. CRT

2. line printer

3. computer console

4. card reader

5. None of these

Q.4. Which one of the following can produce the final product of machine processing in a form usable by humans?

1. storage

2. control

3. input device

4. output device

5. hard disk

Q.5. A wireless network uses ...... waves to transmit signals.

1) Electro-Magnetic

2) Sound

3) Radio

4) Video

5) Image

Q.6. Kalyan gave incorrect settings in the CMOS which can prevent him from?

1) Logging on to the internet

2) Searching on the web

3) Booting up the computer

4) Accessing the computer

5) Printing a document

Q.7. The components that process data are located in the....

1) Input Devices

2) Output Devices

3) System Unit

4) Storage Component

5) ROM

Q.8. Which of the following is not one of the major data processing functions of a computer?

1) Gathering Data

2) Processing data into information

3) Analysing the data or information

4) Storing data or information

5) Data Retrieve

Q.9. Which of the following are the least powerful, yet the most widely used and fastest - growing type of computers?

1) Mainframe Computers

2) Super Computers

3) Mini Computers

4) Micro Computers

5) Network Computer

Q.10. Which of the following is used to connect a personal computer to a network?

1) Modem

2) NIC

3) PIC

4) CPU

5) Bus


Q.1. (4) super computer

Q.2. (1) CTRL +; (semicolon)

Q.3. (2) line printer

Q.4. (4) output device

Q.5. (3) Radio

Q.6. (3) Booting up the computer

Q.7. (3) System Unit 

Q.8. (3) Analysing the data or information

Q.9. (4) Micro Computers

Q.10. (2) NIC

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