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D-BAT : 04-02-2016

Bankers Guru

Q.1. NIIF with which Russian company has agreed to set-up the Russia-India High Technology Private Equity Fund for Joint Implementation of Investments into Projects in India?

(1) Alrosa

(2) Rusnano

(3) Daaz

(4) Regnum

(5) Rusal

Ans: (2) Rusnano

Q.2. India and Brunei has recently signed 3 Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) to deepen bilateral cooperation in health, defence and on cooperation in youth and sports affairs in the Brunei capital. What is the capital of Brunei? 

(1) Phnom Penh

(2) Vientiane

(3) Port Moresby

(4) Bandar Seri Begawan

(5) Naypyidaw

Ans: (4) Bandar Seri Begawan

Q.3. At which of the following places a unique MAGIC (Modular, Agile, Intensified & Continuous) Process Lab has been inaugurated? 

(1) Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI), Lucknow,

(2) Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB), Delhi

(3) National Chemical Laboratory (NCL), Pune

(4) National Aerospace Laboratory (NAL), Bangalore,

(5) Indian Institute of Toxicological Research (IITR), Lucknow,

Ans: (3) National Chemical Laboratory, Pune

Q.4. At which of the following places the Counter-Terrorism Conference- 2016 was organised? 

(1) Jaipur

(2) Jodhpur

(3) Jaisalmer

(4) Patiala

(5) Amritsar

Ans: (1) Jaipur

Q.5. Veteran Urdu short story writer, poet and journalist Intizar Husain passed away. He belonged to-

(1) Bangladesh

(2) Pakistan

(3) Afghanistan

(4) Indonesia

(5) Malaysia

Ans: (2) Pakistan

Q.6. Former Congress Leader Balram Jakhar passed away recently. He held the post of:-

(1) Finance Minister

(2) Union Health Minister

(3) Lok Sabha speaker

(4) Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission

(5) Chairman of Finance Commission

Ans: (3) Lok Sabha speaker

Q.7. Russia's state arms trader Rosoboronexport has provided India with the final consignment of ------------helicopters. 

(1) Mi-26(T)

(2) Ка-32A11BC



(5) Mi-17V-5

Ans: (5) Mi-17V-5

Q.8. To which ministry the cabinet has given its approval to allow it to form joint venture (JV) companies with the state governments to mobilize resources for undertaking projects in states?

(1) Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

(2) Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers

(3) Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises

(4) Ministry of Railways

(5) Ministry of Food Processing Industries

Ans: (4) Ministry of Railways

Q.9. For what duration a supernumerary post in the rank of air marshal has been created in the Indian Air Force? 

(1) 10 months

(2) 13 months

(3) 17 months

(4) 19 months

(5) 22 months

Ans: (3) 17 months

Q.10. What is the extended tenure of Indo-German Science & Technology Centre (IGSTC) as per the Joint Declaration signed between India and Germany? 

(1) 2015-2020

(2) 2017-2022

(3) 2016-2021

(4) 2018-2023

(5) 2019-2024

Ans: (2) 2017-2022

Q.11. Chief of the Army Staff, of which neighbouring country has been conferred the Honorary Rank of General of the Indian Army by the President of India recently? 

(1) Bangladesh

(2) Bhutan

(3) Nepal

(4) Sri Lanka

(5) Myanmar

Ans: (3) Nepal

Q.12. Who has been appointed as the head of Mission and Force Commander of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) stationed in Golan to maintain the ceasefire between Israeli and Syrian forces? 

(1) Om Prakash Malhotra

(2) Amit Sharma

(3) Manoj M. Naravane

(4) Jai Shanker Menon

(5) Praveen Bakshi

Ans: (4) Jai Shanker Menon

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