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English Language Test : 01.02.2016

Bankers Guru

Q.1-5. In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each five pairs of words have been denoted by numbers (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5). Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentences in the same sequence to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

Q.1. Keeping in mind the need to …… the sector the government has actively ……… foreign investment.

(1) develop, solicited 

(2) propose, participated 

(3) growth, wanted 

(4) view, stopped 

(5) boost, oppose

Q.2. Although Rehan puts in……of overtime and takes few holidays, he……cannot support his family.

(1) sufficient, however 

(2) lot, besides 

(3) much, thus 

(4) plenty, still 

(5) frequency, yet

Q.3. Picking up ………, the monsoon yesterday ………….. the entire country.

(1) speed, poured 

(2) race, blessed 

(3) frequency, cover 

(4) pace , covered 

(5) motion , affected 

Q.4. The officials have been…………..on incentives to…………..these practices are implemented at grass root level.

(1) relying, ensure 

(2) suggesting , secure 

(3) counting, confirmation 

(4) quarrelling , validate 

(5) focused, display

Q.5. We are …………… the minister to come forward in a more …….. role.

(1) trusting, enhance 

(2) improving, secured 

(3) expecting, active 

(4) debating, necessitate 

(5) focusing, displayed

Q.6-10. Which of the Phrases(1), (2) (3) and (4) given below each sentence should replace the phrases printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct ? If the sentence is correct as it is given and no correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

Q.6. The main objective of the training had make teachers aware of the new CCE pattern of teaching.

(1) make teachers aware 

(2) is to make teachers aware

(3) is making aware teachers 

(4) awareness of teachers

(5) No correction required

Q.7. Afraid of missing my train and was late for the conference, I arrived half an hour early at the station.

(1) but late for 

(2) and been late to 

(3) hence being late in

(4) and being late for 

(5) No correction required

Q.8. It is believed that Maurya , being the leader of Opposition, was unable to gave sufficient time to party matters.

(1) for giving sufficient 

(2) to give sufficiently 

(3) to be given sufficient 

(4) to give sufficient 

(5) No correction required

Q.9. The ongoing power tussle in Pakistan between the judiciary and the executive are a lost battle for both sides.

(1) is a losing battle 

(2) are battles that are losing 

(3) is lose battle 

(4) are battles losing 

(5) No correction required

Q.10. There should be a trend of unseasonal rainfall in March, in recent years.

(1) There will be 

(2) There was 

(3) There has been 

(4) There would have been 

(5) No correction required












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