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English Language Test : 13.02.2016

Bankers Guru

Q.1-5. Read each part of the sentence to find out if there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, mark your answer as (5).

Q.1. In a move intended to prevent foreign wheat (1)/ from flood the domestic market (2)/ the centre imposed a 10 per cent (3)/ import duty on wheat. (4)/ No error (5)

Q.2. India is emerging as hotbed of mobile applications (1)/ with an app now available (2)/ for every need, ranging from hiring a cab (3)/ to measuring air quality in a city. (4)/ No error (5)

Q.3. For the first time since it took charges (1)/ the NDA government has issued separate show-cause notice to three private news channels (2)/ alleging that these channels showed (3)/ disrespect to the judiciary and the president of India (4)/ No error (5)

Q.4. In a significant move, a Parliament joint committee has ruled (1)/ that a TMC MP who is an assistant professor (2)/ in a government-aided university, can held both office (3)/ and avail salaries from both places. (4)/ No error (5)

Q.5. Researchers found that both moderate as well as severe selective eating (1)/ were associated with (2)/ significantly elevated symptoms (3)/ of depression, social anxiety and generalized anxiety. (4)/ No error (5)

Q.6-10. Which of the Phrases(1), (2) (3) and (4) given below each sentence should replace the phrases printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct. If the sentence is correct as it is given and no correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

Q.6. People with persistent headaches are hence as likely to develop bed’s palsy even as research account to other factors which could increase the risk of conditions like diabetes.

(1) accounting at

(2) accounting towards

(3) accounts for

(4) accounted at

(5) No correction required

Q.7. The actor and the producer has part ways due to differences over communication.

(1) have parted ways

(2) have been way parting

(3) have parting away

(4) have part ways

(5) No correction required

Q.8. The State is reeled from the impact of acute financial crisis around the world.

(1) reeled at

(2) reeling away

(3) reel for

(4) reeling from

(5) No correction required

Q.9. The reading club soon becoming a moving part for literature enthusiasts.

(1) soon became

(2) becoming soon

(3) was became soon

(4) soon is become

(5) No correction required

Q.10. Having been confined to their homes for a week after a leopard was sighted, the villagers grew restless and frustrated.

(1) As confine to

(2) Have being confining at

(3) Been confining at

(4) Being confined for

(5) No correction required


Q.1. (2) Replace ‘flood’ with ‘flooding'

Q.2. (1) Insert ‘the’ before ‘hotbed’

Q.3. (5)

Q.4. (3) Replace ‘held’ with ‘hold’

Q.5. (1) Replace ‘as well as’ with ‘and’

Q.6. (3) 

Q.7. (1) 




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