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IBPS - SO -IT -QUIZ : 03.02.2016

Bankers Guru
Q.1. Which of the following filter method is not available in Access?

(1) Filter by selection

(2) Filter by form

(3) Advanced filter

(4) Auto filter

(5) None of above

Q.2. By Grouped Report you understand

(1) Type of report generated by the Report Wizard

(2) Type of report that present records sorted in ascending or descending order as you specify

(3) Type of report that displays data grouped by fields you specified

(4) All

(5) None of above

Q.3. The text you typed in Description column in Table Design View is displayed on

(1) Description bar in forms

(2) Report Footer when printed

(3) Title bar of MS Access while entering data

(4) Status bar while entering data

(5) None of these

Q.4. What is the maximum allowed field size for Boolean (Yes/No) fields?

(1) 1

(2) 8

(3) 50

(4) 255

(5) 256

Q.5. What is the size of Data & Time field type?

(1) 1

(2) 8

(3) 255

(4) 50

(5) 6

Q.6. Which of the following field type can store maximum data?

(1) Yes/No fields

(2) Date/Time fields

(3) Text fields

(4) Memo fields

(5) Character

Q.7. To display associated record from related table in datasheet view, you can

(1) Double click the record

(2) Apply filter by form command

(3) Single click on expand indicator (+) next to the record

(4) Double click on expand indicator (+) next to the record

(5) None of these

Q.8. Arrange according to the size

(1) Record, field, byte, bit

(2) Bit, field, byte, record

(3) Field, byte, record, bit

(4) Byte, bit, record, field

(5) field, Bit, byte, record

Q.9. What type of relationship exists between a Student table and Fees table?

(1) One to one

(2) One to many

(3) Many to many

(4) One to many and many to many

(5) All

Q.10. Which is the correct example of label:

(1) Label;

(2) Label:

(3) Label,

(4) #Label

(5) &Label


Q.1. (3) Advanced filter

Q.2. (3) Type of report that displays data grouped by fields you specified

Q.3. (4) Status bar while entering data

Q.4. (1) 1

Q.5. (2) 8

Q.6. (4) Memo fields

Q.7. (3) Single click on expand indicator (+) next to the record

Q.8. (1) Record, field, byte, bit

Q.9. (2) One to many

Q.10. (2) Label:

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