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Reasoning Ability Test For LIC AAO-13-02-2016

Bankers Guru

Reasoning Ability Test For LIC AAO-13-02-2016Reasoning Ability Test For LIC AAO

Q.1-5. The question given below contain two statements giving certain data. You have to decide whether the data given in the statements are sufficient for answering the question? Give answer-

(1) If statement I alone is sufficient but statement II alone is not sufficient. 

(2) If statement II alone is sufficient but statement I alone is not sufficient. 

(3) If each statement alone (either I or II) is sufficient. 

(4) If statement I and II together are not sufficient.

(5) If both statement together are sufficient, but neither statement alone is sufficient.

Q.1. Which of the five movies Zanjeer, Yarana, Company, Deewar and Vijaypath is the best? 

(I) Deewar movie is better than Company movie but not as good as Yarana which is better than Vijaypath movie.

(II) Deewar movie is better than Vijaypath, Zanjeer and Company movies but not as good as Yarana movie. 

Q.2. What is the code for 'R' in the code language? 

(I) In the code language, 'R G M' is written as 'tt kk nn'. 

(II) In the same code language, ‘H G M’ is written as tt pp kk.

Q.3. In which month of the year did the sport day end of class VIII? 

(I) Student Pankaj correctly remembers that the sport day end before August but after April.

(II) Friend of Pankaj correctly remembers that the sport day end after January but before September.

Q.4. What is the code for 'cream' in the code language? 

(I) In the code language, 'cream is tasty' is written as 'kk tt mm'. 

(II) In the same code language, 'make white cream' is written as 'mm gg pp'.

Q.5. What is the rank of M from the right end of a row? 

(I) Total Number of students in class is 34.

(II) M’s rank is 3 ranks right of S’s rank and S’s rank is 12th from left end.

Q.6-10. Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

Eight persons A, F, G, K, M, C, B and S are sitting in a row and all of them facing towards south but not necessarily in the same order.

F sits between M and K. A and G are not the neighbour of B. F is third to the right of B and second to the left of C.

Q.6. How many persons sit between A and K?

(1) None (2) One (3) Three (4) Cannot be determined (5) Four

Q.7. Who is fifth to the left of C?

(1) B (2) S (3) G (4) M (5) A

Q.8. Who is/are neighbour of S?

(1) M and B (2) K and B (3) M/K and B (4) C and G (5) F and M

Q.9. If A sits at one end of the row, then what is the position of G with respect to K?

(1) Fourth to the right.

(2) Second to the right. 

(3) Fourth to the left.

(4) Second to the left.

(5) Cannot be determined.

Q. 10. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group?

(1) C (2) F (3) B (4) G (5) S


Q.1. (2) 

Q.2. (5) 

Q.3. (4) 

Q.4. (5) 

Q.5. (5) 

Q.6. (4)

Q.7. (1)

Q.8. (3)

Q.9. (5) 

Q.10. (4)

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