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Vocabulary - 09.02.2016

Bankers Guru

Vocabulary - 09.02.20161. LIBIDINOUS (ADJECTIVE): lustful 

Synonyms: impure, lascivious 

Antonyms: clean, decent

Example Sentence:

Rappers express their libidinous desires in the boring, one-note language of conquest.


Synonyms: constructed, elaborated Antonyms: disarrange, ruin

Example Sentence:

Of course, that doesn't really alter the havoc they've wrought.

3. SCRUPLE (NOUN): misgiving, doubt

Synonyms: caution, censor Antonyms: calmness, contentment

Example Sentence:

But the Secretary of State overruled this scruple, and the leave was to be given.

4. CONTEMPTIBLE (ADJECTIVE): despicable, shameful

Synonyms: disgusting, hateful Antonyms: delightful, pleasant

Example Sentence:

That of course was contemptible and directly counter to every laudable value this country stands for.

5. MENIAL (ADJECTIVE): lowly, low-status

Synonyms: base, common Antonyms: elevated, superior

Example Sentence:

People get tired of applying for menial jobs and the changes.


Synonyms: harmonious, agreeing Antonyms: unshared, disjoint

Example Sentence

All these actions can add a synergistic spark to enliven your leadership.

7. JARRING (ADJECTIVE): discordant

Synonyms: shrill, rasping Antonyms: firm, steady

Example Sentence:

The book opens with what was surely the most jarring public moment in the history of this odd relationship. 

8. EMOTE (VERB): express emotion

Synonyms: act, dramatize Antonyms: play down

Example Sentence:

I would have to say balancing my zombie-ness with my Beth-ness, and trying to emote as Beth, but through a monster body.


Synonyms: baneful, deadly Antonyms: beneficial, helpful

Example Sentence:

And the worm which was beginning to fall asleep is roused again to pestilential fierceness.

10. GROUSE (NOUN): complaint

Synonyms: grievance, grumble Antonyms: flattery, praise 

Example Sentence:

Some Republicans will grouse at the new data because it makes their economic-incompetence argument harder to make.

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