Q.1-10. In the following passage there are blanks each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each five words have been suggested, one of which fits the blanks appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.
India seems to have acquired the dubious distinction of being the leader of many (1) trends, be it child labour, underage marriages and now we learn slavery. Although the practice had been (2) long ago, a new study shows that an estimated 29.8 million people live in slavery around the world. And nearly half this number is in India. Fourteen million Indians, the highest number in the world, live in conditions of slavery. This includes those (3) in debt, in forced marriages and those who have been trafficked, according to the Global Slavery Index 2013 compiled by the Walk Free Foundation, a human rights organisation based in Australia. However, India can take cold comfort in the fact that it ranks fourth in terms of the (4) of slavery as a proportion of the population. Mauritania, Haiti and Pakistan are (5) above India in the 162-nation survey.
From inter-generational bonded labour to the worst forms of child labour, from commercial exploitation to forced marriage, almost all forms of slavery are prevalent in India. While many remain trapped in debt bondage in their own villages, others are trafficked for exploitation, begging and domestic servitude. (6) a 2006 ban on child labour, children can still be found working in brick kilns, cracker factories and coal mines which are among the many (7) industries with appalling working conditions. Bride-buying, though a non-labour form of slavery, is practised in Haryana and Punjab where the sex ratio is highly skewed. There should be strict implementation of (8) laws that will ensure that people who perpetuate modern-day slavery are severely punished. If India aspires to be a global power, its claims to such a (9) cannot be taken seriously if many of its own people continue to (10) in conditions of medieval drudgery.
Q.1. (1) fashionable (2) descend (3) demeaning (4) sinking (5) derogate
Q.2. (1) inculcated (2) dissolved (3) abolished (4) vacated (5) fixed
Q.3. (1) hiding (2) trapped (3) welcomed (4) sheltered (5) bribed
Q.4. (1) vengeance (2) propagate (3) accustomed (4) prevalence (5) tolerance
Q.5. (1) piled (2) stated (3) disposed (4) regulated (5) ranked
Q.6. (1) Despite (2) Instead (3) Typical (4) Even (5) Also
Q.7. (1) wicked (2) predictable (3) haphazard (4) hazardous (5) audacious
Q.8. (1) existing (2) strictly (3) supported (4) lenient (5) obsolete
Q.9. (1) eminence (2) status (3) dignity (4) place (5) grade
Q.10. (1) reveal (2) revival (3) maintain (4) live (5) deceive
Answers : -
Q.1.(3) Q.2.(3) Q.3.(2) Q.4.(4) Q.5.(5) Q.6.(1) Q.7.(4) Q.8.(1) Q.9.(2) Q.10.(4)